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Plastic surgery

Enviado por   •  17 de Diciembre de 2013  •  Informe  •  1.160 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  231 Visitas

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Plastic surgery, the modification of our physical appearance, has been growing in all the past years, especially in America and Asia. But we have to consider that these modifications in some countries (Muslim countries) are still taboo. According to journalists, in America, plastic surgery in teens under 18 years old increase in a 22% in the year 2001. In Muslim countries, religion disapprove this kind of physical changes besides of the health risk that it have and believe it is considered an issue of vanity. Too many people undergo plastic surgery for many reasons: to feel better, look better, to improve an altered area, to have appearance that reflex more competition, bullying, for personal and social relations and for genetic alteration. But the main influence in society to perform a plastic surgery in my opinion is the media. The media shows beautiful faces; that’s the way it communicates with the public. Especially women, watching certain kind of T.V. programs feels a little of pressure that in some cases provoke low self-esteem and have the necessity to execute a big physical change.

In my opinion one of the east countries that are influence of media is South Korea. Kpop, dramas, T.V. programs are filled with people that had done huge plastic surgery. In accordance to statistics, in 2010 more than 300,000 plastic surgeries had been made in Soul. Standards of beauty are established in Korea: double eye-lid, Vchin a nose bridge and white skin. But you may be surprise that koreans see plastic surgery as an investment and not for a vanity purpose. Because they believe that if you look good, you be able to succeed in life, like: having a good job, marry a guy with money, have a good education. But because of their individuality society, talking about plastic surgery had become a secret or a taboo. Society wants to imitate what they see in T.V. dramas. In America; media have a lot to do too. For example women said that they want Michelle Obama’s arms or that they want Kate Middleton nose. As we can see in America, plastic surgery in the majority of cases is all about vanity, even men start to have some plastic procedures like rhinoplasty and botox. In America, we can say that the trend of beauty is to have a big breast and buttock.

In some countries the media had nothing to do because is prohibit to have plastic surgery; it is considered a taboo. In Muslim countries, like Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey the religion is first, the religion is the influence. The government based on the religion, only allows plastic surgery to correct any kind of genetic alteration, as you can see is accepted in extraordinary causes. Muslims said that plastic surgery is a mutilation of our body, is bad to change what Allah create, and becomes a haram. In India plastic surgery is growing, it is no more considered a taboo. Especially the young generation of India watching the progress of fashion in their country, media and glamour industry feels that is a necessity to look good, they don’t want to be any other face. In a few years ago, the only reason for Indians to make a plastic surgery was an accident that leaves skin damage or a broke part body. In that time no one think to have a change in their appearance only for physical improve. But now, plastic surgery in India is a trend.

Since the few past year plastic surgery has been increasing in children between 6 to 14 years old in America for certain causes, but the principal in my opinion is bullying. Children tell their parents that they don’t want their ears, nose, scars, moles and chin; because people at school are starting to make fun of them. Like saying: “Dumbo ears”. Fathers knowing what is happening to their kid they, instead of saying that you have to love who you are, the recommendation of them is to perform


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