- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Commas are sometimes hard to learn because they are used differently than in other languages.

To understand some rules of grammar use, it may be useful to first remember what an independent clause is. An independent clause is clause that can stand alone as a sentence: it has a subject and a verb and is a complete thought. For example:

I plan to quit smoking.

My doctor told me to quit smoking.

EXERCISE C: Underline the independent clauses in the following sentences:

1. I plan to quit smoking because my doctor told me to.

2. She has a good job, yet she is always broke.

3. They were tired, so they went home early.

If you can identify independent clauses, it is easier to know where to put commas.

There are many comma rules in English, which can be broadly categorized into four groups: introducers, coordinators, inserters, and tags.


An introducer comma follows any element that comes in front of the first independent clause in a sentence.


after introductory words Therefore, I plan to quit smoking.

Nervously, I threw away my cigarettes.

First, we need to kill all the lawyers.

Indeed, that would be the best idea.

after dependent clauses Because I have a bad cough, my doctor told me to quit smoking.

after phrases Having smoked for 16 years, I find it difficult to quit.

In other words, I think we should do it.

after direct quotations “Stop smoking today,” he advised.


Together with a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so), a comma links coordinate (equal) elements in a sentence.


compound sentences with two independent clauses She has a good job, yet she is always broke.

They were tired, so they went home early.

Series of three or more words


He does not enjoy skiing, ice-skating, or sledding.

Cecille speaks English, Spanish, French, and Creole.

Hower speaks Mandarin and Taiwanese.

Series of three or more phrases A nurse has to work at night, on weekends, and on holidays.

We ran into the airport, checked our luggage, raced to the boarding gate, gave the attendant our boarding passes, and collapsed in our seats.


An inserter comma is used before and after any element that is inserted into the middle of an independent clause.


words My uncle, however, refused to come to dinner.

phrases My father, on the other hand, never misses a meal.

There is no point in living, my brother always says, if you can’t do what you enjoy.

nonrestrictive clauses and phrases My aunt, his wife, died young.

The car, which was brand new, was totaled in the accident.

My cousins, grieving over their mothers death, were all at the funeral.

reporting verbs in direct quotations “I have been to Italy many times,” she said, “but I prefer Switzerland.”


A tag comma is used when adding certain elements to the end of a sentence.


words after an independent clause My uncle believes in drinking a daily glass of wine, too.

He’s still in great health, however.

phrases after an independent clause He swims for an hour every day, for example.

He also plays tennis, beating me most of the time.

tag questions It isn’t fair, is it?

direct quotations He laughed as he said, “I will outlive all of you.”


Add commas wherever they are necessary. (Not all sentences need them, and some sentences need more than one.) Then name the function of each comma: introducer, coordinator, inserter, and tag. The first one has been done for you.

1. INSERTER The advertising industry, which is one of the largest industries in the United States, employs millions of people and spends billions of dollars a year.

2. _____________ A company that wants to be successful must spend a great deal of money to advertise its products.

3. _____________ Advertising is essential to the free enterprise system yet it can sometimes be very annoying.

4. _____________ Every minute of the day and night people are exposed to ads on television on billboards in the newspapers and in magazines.

5. _____________ You cannot even avoid advertising in the privacy of your own car or your own home for advertisers have begun selling their products in those places too.

6. _____________ In the last few years advertising agencies have started to hire young people to hand out advertising materials on street corners and in parking lots.

7. _____________ You can often find these materials stuck on your windshield thrust through the open windows of your car stuffed in your mailbox or simply scattered on your front doorstep.

8. _____________ Because Americans are exposed to so much advertising they have become immune to it.

9. _____________ As a result advertisers have to make louder commercials use brighter colors and hire sexier models to catch the public’s attention.

10. _____________ Many people object to commercials that use sex as a sales strategy.

11. _____________ Sexy commercials that sell everything from toothpaste to automobiles seem to imply that you will become sexier if you buy the product.

12. _____________ Sex is used in many cigarette and liquor ads for example.

13. _____________ The women in such ads are often dressed in revealing clothes and are surrounded by handsome men and the men in such ads are always extremely good looking as well.

14. _____________ As everyone knows smoking and drinking do not make you sexy.

15. _____________ On the contrary drinking makes you fat and smoking can make you ill.

16. _____________ Recently smoking was banned in most public places in the United States.

17. _____________ Many people opposed the law but it finally passed.

18. _____________ Smoking is now prohibited in hospitals airports stores offices and restaurants.

19. _____________ In many other countries however smoking is still allowed.


Using semicolons is not difficult if you remember that a semicolon


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