- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Questions on the text "The Queen And I"

Enviado por   •  27 de Febrero de 2013  •  1.660 Palabras (7 Páginas)  •  1.034 Visitas

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Questions on the text


1. Why do you think the Queen didn’t want a Republican government to be elected?

Because the Republican government didn’t support the morachy.

2. What did Jack Barker tell the Royal Family about their new homes?

He said that the Royal Family have to left their palaces. And they will be next to the working-class in a council estate street.

3. What did Jack Barker do with the Queen’s crown and what do you think this signified?

He picked up and share over his head. And then he threw in the crowd. It signified that the morach was over.


1. Describe Beverly and Tony Thredgold.

The man was weraing a T-shirt and jeans. The woman was fat and blonde, weraing clothes a size too small for her. Husband and wife.

2. List five things the Queen observerd in Hell Close.

The Queen observed in Hell Close that the street smelled bad. Somebody in the Close was burning car tyres. Not one house had all its windows. Fences bronken. Gardens were full of rubbish.

3. What was the first problem for the Queen, Charles and Diana and how was it solved?

In their new home there was only one bed, so they decied to sleep together.


1. Why wouldn’t the Queen let Trish into the house?

Because the Queen wasn’t dress. She wore the nightdress with her jacket.

2. Why couldn’t the Queen warm the room?

Because the gas heater didn’t work if you don’t put 50 pence coin.

3. Describe how the Queen injured herself and how she got out of her house.

She injured herself because she cut three fingers and then Harris helped his mother to climb out through the living room window.


1. Why did all the women visit Diana and what did this show about the people in Hell Close?

Because some of them had broghut autograph books.

2. What things about family life in Hell Close were new for Diana?

For her was new not to have her Mercedes-Benz 500SL.

3. What did Beverley teach the Royal Family?

Beverly taught to the Royal Family, how make a cup of tea.


1. How was Philip's new life affecting him?

To Philip it affects the surroundings to him, that smell so bad.

2. What important facts do we learn about Philomena?

Philomena dressed slowly in many layers. Then she put on her coat, a scarf and a hat. She went to the kitchen to make her breakfast. In the kitchen there were five slices of bread, a small piece of cheese and enough cereal for half a bowl. She would have to wait another two days until her pension arrived.

3. Why did Charles get involved in the fight between Pc Ludlow and Beverly and what were the consequences?

Because the Pc Ludlow hit Beverly and Charles wanted to rescue her but the three fell on the ground and the police was injured. Then they went to a trial.

4. What impotant task did Charles ask Diana to do and why didn’t she so do it immediately?

He said that take care about the garden and water it. Because she cried because he didn’t say nothing about, I love you, or something about this.

Chapter 6

1. Diana was upset about two things in court. What were they?

She was jealous and she decided to put on some weight.

2. How was Anne different from the other members of her family?

She didn’t accept the help of her neighbors and she did all the things alone.

Chapter 7

1. Find four reasons why Queen needed money immediately.

She needed money immediately because she had borrow money from her grandson for the gas meter, she haven't got any food or heating and, when the electricity goes, she'll have no light and she was nothing in the fridge, and the cupboards were empty.

2. Fitzroy promised his mother that he would never go into betting shop. How did he keep this promise?

He kept the promise because he didn’t go in a bet house, but he organized that he could bet by phone.

3. Why did Fitzroy and the Queen Mother like each other and why were they both happy at the end of the chapter?

They like each other because the Queen Mother pulled a 5 pounds note from her bag and gave it to Fitzroy. They both happy at the end of the chapter because the Queen Mother had a new friend.

Chapter 8

1. Why couldn't the Queen get her Emergency Payment?

Because she don't remember her present address because she had been living for four days there.

2. How did the Queen finally get some money and what did she think made it impossible?

The Queen get some money cause her dog hasn't got anithing to eat, and she think made it impossible because the DDS was closing.

3. Compare the butcher's attitude to his two customers.

The butcher’s severely was more kind with the second customer because he was good wearing and The Queen was so dirty and ugly.

Chapter 9

1. What did Diana and Charles each want to do with the money they had?

With the money they want buy any food for breakfast, pay the hair curt the Charles and fertilizer the garden .

2. Summaries briefly the problems that


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