Enviado por miguelant_23 • 30 de Enero de 2017 • Apuntes • 1.998 Palabras (8 Páginas) • 288 Visitas
PAST SIMPLE (PASADO SIMPLE) | Afirmativa S + V in past [regular(ed)-irregular(2ndcolumna)] + Comple. *She went to Paris last week *Ella fue a Paris la semana pasada Negativa Subjet + DID not (didn´t) + V-base form + Comple. *They didn´t drive to work *Ellos no manejaron al trabajo Pregunta (Wh_) did + Subject + V-base form + Comple + ? *Where did she get that hat ? *Donde ella obtuvo ese sombrero ? | 1.- Acciones acabadas que ocurren en un momento definido del pasado 2.- Con la palabra “ago” 3.- Para expresar acciones cortas y consecutivas 4.- Cuando hay dos acciones simultaneas, una de ellas suele ser mas corta (simple) e interrumpe a la acion mas larga (continuo) | 1.- I went to Paris last year 2.- He stopped drinking alcohol 3 years ago 3.- I fell down and someone helped me 4.- The ligh went out (short action) while we were having dinner (long action) |
PAST CONTINUOUS (PASADO CONTINUO) | Afirmativa Subject + V “be” in past (WAS/WERE) + V-ing + Comple. *I was watching TV *Yo estaba viendo TV Negativa Subject + V “be” in past (WAS/WERE) + not + V-ing + Comple. *He wasn´t working *El no estaba trabajando Pregunta (Wh_) + V “be” in past (WAS/WERE) + Subject + V-ing + Comple + ? *What were you doing ? *Que estabas hacienda ? | 1.- Acciones en progreso (en realizacion) en un momento pasado 2.- Acciones largas e inacabadas 3.- Queja y monotonía en el pasado | 1.- At midnight we were driving home 2.- Yesterday I was studying very hard all day 3.- He was always telling boring jokes |
PAST PERFECT (PASADO PERFECTO) | Afirmativa Subject + HAD + V participle + Comple. *I had already eaten before they came *Yo ya habia comido antes que ellos llegaran Negativa Subject + HAD + not + V in participle + Comple. *She hadn´t been to Rome before that trip *Ella no habia estado en Roma antes de ese viaje Pregunta (Wh_) + HAD + Subject + V in participle + Comple. + ? *Had you ever seen such a crazy lady before that ? *Habias visto alguna vez a una loca antes de eso ? | 1.- Para expresar una accion que ocurre antes de otra accion en el pasado | 1.- She had cooked the lunch (1st action) before she went to work (2nd action) |
PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS (PASADO PERFECTO CONTINUO) | Afirmativa Subject + HAD + BEEN + V-ing + Comple. *She´d been waiting for 3 hours when he finally arrived *Ella habia estado esperando por 3 horas cuando finalmente llego Negativa Subject + HAD + not + BEEN +V-ing + comple. *I hadn´t been slepping for long when I heard the doorbell ring *No habia estado durmiendo mucho cuando oi el timbre de la puerta sonar Pregunta (Wh_) + HAD + Subject + BEEN + V-ing + Comple. + ? *How long had you been playing tennis when she arrived ? * Cuanto tiempo habias estado jugando tenis cuando ella llego ? | 1.- Para expresar la duracion de una actividad continua comenzada antes de otra actividad pasada | 1.- We had been waiting for hours when the train arrived |
CONDICIONAL PERFECT (PERFECTO CONDICIONAL) | Afirmativa Subject +WOULD+HAVE+ V in past participle + Comple *Andres would have gone to Colombia *Andres abria ido a Colombia Negativa Subject + WOULDN´T+HAVE+ V in past participle + Comple *Willy wouldn´t have played soccer *Willy no abria jugado al futbool Pregunta (Wh_) + WOULD+ Subject +HAVE+ V in past participle + Comple + ? *Would Andres have gone to Colombia *What would Willy have played ? *Que abria jugado Willy ? | 1.- Para describir acciones que habian sucedido, pero por algun motivo no ocurrieron | |
CONDITIONAL CONTINUOUS PERFECT (PERFECTO CONTINUO CONDICIONAL) | Afirmativa Subject +WOULD+HAVE BEEN+ V-ing + Comple. *I would (I´d) have been working *Yo habria estado trabajando Negativa Subject +WOULD+ not+HAVE BEEN+ V-ing + Comple. *I wouldn´t have been working *Yo no habria estado trabajando Pregunta (Wh_) +WOULD+ Subject +HAVE BEEN+ V-ing + Comple + ? *Would I have been working ? *Habria estado trabajando ? | 1.- Para formar la oraciones condicionales irreales o imposibles o de tipo 3 (el verbo de la oración subordinada ira en PAST PERFECT) 2.- Para expresar probabilidad, posibilidad, opiniones, conjenturas del pasado 3.- Para hablar del futuro de algo pasado | 1.- I would have been living here if I had won the lottery 2.- She wouldn´t have been studying without my help 3.- They knew he would have been playing football the next day |