Un proyecto de ingles
Enviado por jose_18_HC • 18 de Junio de 2018 • Documentos de Investigación • 3.065 Palabras (13 Páginas) • 102 Visitas
11/06/2018 |
*1 PAGE--------HEALTH
*7 PAGE--------FASHION
*14 PAGE ----------------PLEASURE TRIPS
*18 PAGE ---------------SHOWS
A 3D map of the heart: this is how navigators help diagnose the most complex arrhythmias
The University Hospital Rey Juan Carlos de Móstoles has an advanced intracardiac navigation system to locate and visualize arrhythmias. Thanks to this, the location and treatment of these alterations of the heart rhythm can be improved.
Most likely, your heart is beating right now between 60 and 100 times per minute. In this range of beats the heart rate often oscillates thanks to the electrical impulses that cause the atria and the ventricles to contract in perfect synchrony. However, when we suffer an arrhythmia, that normal rhythm, originated in the sinus node (our natural pacemaker, located in the right atrium) undergoes alterations and our heart is too accelerated or too slow.
Palpitations, chest pain or shortness of breath are some of the symptoms of arrhythmias, although in some cases they go unnoticed and are detected by chance when performing diagnostic tests. In fact, although some may be harmless, others can cause bothersome symptoms, sometimes endangering our lives.
For example, atrial fibrillation, which is the most common arrhythmia, is a major health problem, which can lead to cardiac failure and ICTUS is often related to high blood pressure, disease of the arteries that supply the heart, disorders thyroid and respiratory
The Spanish Heart Foundation also points out that elderly people, people with hypertension or patients with arrhythmias are the main risk groups for heart failure. Precisely in the older ones is where arrhythmias are more prevalent, specifically atrial fibrillation increases as age does, reaching 5% of the population after 60 years.
Although sometimes the drugs are sufficient for the treatment of arrhythmias, in others it is necessary to resort to ablation, a procedure capable of solving heart rhythm problems by modifying the electrical conduction capacities of the cells creating scars by different sources of energy.
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The woman who lacked 100,000 euros to make the papilloma vaccine cheap
That Nubia Muñoz has been awarded the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Development Cooperation is the fault of its excessive sentimentality. The reason why this woman - who humbly rejects any excess of protagonism - was dedicated to epidemiology is none other than the pity that the patients who began to see in the fourth year of the Medicine career. "When they died, I got depressed," he said in an interview with EL ESPAÑOL on the occasion of his trip to Madrid to collect the prize, worth 400,000 euros.
And this was how excessive concern for patients with whom he established "a close relationship" led to one of the most important epidemiological discoveries of the past century and, above all, to one of the few that has resulted in a useful tool and accessible to put an end to what is an authentic scourge in developing countries, cancer of the cervix.
Because Muñoz's work was decisive for two pharmaceutical companies to develop the vaccine against human papilloma virus, which causes 90% of cases of this type of cancer. And this makes the epidemiologist feel more satisfied than if she had received the Nobel Prize in Medicine. "I have a huge privilege, something that does not live for 99% of researchers," he says.
However, his finding was recognized by the most prestigious award, only that it did not fall on his person, but in the German Harold Zur Hausen, who received a third of the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 2008, along with scientists who linked the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to AIDS, Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier.
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Cuando Calvin Klein encontró a Warhol
The arrival of Raf Simons to Calvin Klein has brought an air of American revolution. The brand has been invaded by novelties, so much to the taste of the Belgian designer: change of logo, custom clothing line, By Appointment, and alliance with the Foundation for the Visual Arts, the legacy of Andy Warhol.
Since his arrival in Dior in 2016, Simons wants to give the firm a very American look, playing with some of the most powerful icons in the country. In its first parade the theme This Is Not America, by David Bowie, a nod to Trump America, that is not the one you want for your new brand.
Now, Warhol becomes leitmotiv. The artist's face as he showed it in his self-portraits with Polaroid reaches his most casual line, Calvin Klein Jeans, where he appears in 18 garments ranging from T-shirts, sweatshirts, back jeans pockets, jackets to sneakers and even small ones bags, with prices between 50 and 180 Euros.
Since November, when the alliance arrived, the brand has taken its funds soon and in many ways: in its garments (in colors and shapes) or in its campaigns: the first was a young man in front of the artist's Memento Mori. These prints continue those that began in his line of underwear, where he captured frames of Kiss, Warhol's 1963 experimental film
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The sample, from Harry Styles' Gucci debut to a transparent suitcase by Virgil Abloh
If the collaboration of the singer Harry Styles with the Italian house Gucci was appealing, the photos of the excomponent of One Direction have come to demonstrate (again) the taste that emanates from Alessandro Michele, designer of the brand and also creative director of the campaign. The images have been taken in a classic British fish and chips, and Styles with their pets, a dog and a hen appears in them. It is clear that the young man shows off the style of his surname.[pic 4]