En que consiste el proceso de doblado
Enviado por madarauchija1996 • 8 de Septiembre de 2018 • Ensayo • 2.645 Palabras (11 Páginas) • 177 Visitas
- 1AWL
1. s. m. Sharp point tool, for opening holes, eyelets and
Other holes.
2. Pointed steel tool used to engrave metals. Burin
3. Steel tool, cylindrical or primitive, with a figure in the mouth that, by pressure or percussion, is printed on coins, medals, buttons, leather or other objects or materials.
4. ZOOLOGY Python or animal horn.
5. GRAPHIC ARTS Small steel sheet with a letter or embossed sign used to obtain matrices.
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The removable guide posts are easily assembled and disassembled, and are designed for applications in which the matrix is sharpened while still mounted on the matrix holder. The posts are installed and fixed to the matrix carrier with a steel conical locking pin. The locking pin can be removed to facilitate later removal. The removable posts have a micron finish
and they are perfect for use with steel, bronze or self-lubricating bushings. They are manufactured from high quality hardened steel and are ground to a high precision finish. The chrome finish produces a hard and exceptionally smooth wear surface that reduces friction between the post and the bearing. The micron guide posts significantly improve the accuracy and durability of the die holders and offer greater resistance to corrosion.
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The bushings for the systems are manufactured to the highest quality standards and supervised in their manufacture, the Bushings for Packed System are manufactured in hardened and rectified steel with treatments and hardness levels resistant to friction and wear. Available in standardized diameters and various sizes, for plate mounting, Continue Reading Categories: Gags: Accessories, Shoulder Dropper, Lamellar Thrower, Shoulder Bushing for Die Holder, Guide Bushing for Packaged System, Bushing for Mold Holder, Bushings, Marketer, Carasole, HENKSA, Packed Cage, Packed Cages, Dropper Sleeve, Ejector Bolt, Bolts, Mold Holder Series A, Mold Holder Series B, Mold Holder Series T, Mold Holder, 2 Column Die Holder, Shape Die Holder, Rectangular Die Post Holder 4 Poles, Die Holder, Die Guide Post, Mold Post, Post for Mold with Man, Pole for packaged system, Poles, Punch Head A, Punch White Head, Punch Head C, Punch Head DIN, Punch tip, punches, springs, screws, Guide Screw
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Minimizes the force required to place heavy dies, EAS offers a wide range of die lift products. The EAS die lifters are standardized in three categories, based on different operating principles: spring, hydraulic or pneumatic.
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The right drilling system for each application. From the small manual drill, through the electric table drill to the fully automated punching and punching machines for large volumes of work. Extensive range of replaceable drilling tools for sema-professional and professional lines that allow drilling of all kinds.
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Each spring is carefully designed for use in a specific range
Of applications. Under no circumstances should springs be modified for dies. If a die spring is modified,
their design characteristics will be changed, thus allowing additional efforts that will produce a
premature failure. Rectifying a spring for dies not only modifies its original properties, but also the heat
that is generated can alter the temper of the material and negatively affect the performance of the spring.
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the service of magnetic cylinders for any machine. Made of high quality steel with hardened tracks and strong magnets for maximum fixation. All cylinders provide a high precision gear.
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Orient the sheet making it stay aligned according to the required work.
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In the sliding fold, a plate presses the metal sheet to the die or die while the punch exerts a force that bends it around the edge of the die. This type of bending is limited for 90 ° angles.
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Shearing is a sheet cutting operation that consists of reducing the sheet to a smaller size. To do this the metal is subjected to two straight cutting edges.
It treats of the mechanical cutting of metals in the form of sheet or plate without production of shaving (process without residue), nor use of torch or another method of fusion.
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The anvil plate is used as a support to avoid the upsetting or nailing of the
punches on the upper base plate, absorbing on its surface the
successive impacts it receives from the elements that hit it. These
impacts occur each time the punches cut or bend the sheet.
The anvil plate is made of steel F-5220 (W. Nr. 1.2510) and has a few measures of
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The guiapunzón plate is guided by bushes and columns and serves as
support for the tread plate and the components of the elastic tread system.
It also has the function of guiding the punches during their journey and avoiding their
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The band guides consist of two prismatic rules, whose thickness is
slightly higher than that of the strip to be ground. These rules are interlocked
parallel to each other for the purpose of longitudinally and transversally guiding the strip
of sheet metal in its displacement inside the matrix.
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- 14 GEARS
A gear is a mechanism for
transmit power from one component to another
by means of a circular movement in a