- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Guía de Inglés nº 02 Segundo Corte

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Guía de Ingles nº 02 Segundo Corte

Apellidos y Nombres Marín Villarroel Néstor Javier  C. I nº_28.628.259

Fecha ___________ Sección______

     Estimados discentes la presente guía debe ser respondida de acuerdo a cada uno de los planteamientos hechos en cada uno de los apartados, ustedes deben investigar cada punto tratado por favor respondan y entreguen con puntualidad.



Change the following sentences from singular to plural.

1.- This room is too small for our class.

     These rooms are too small for our class.

2.- That pen on the floor is John’s.

     Those pens on the floor are John’s.

3.- This pack of cigarettes belongs to William.

      These packs of cigarettes belongs to William.

4.- That boy on the other side of the street is George’s brother.

      Those boys on the other side of the street are George’s brothers.

5.- This car belongs to my father.

      These cars belongs to my father.

6.- That message is for you.

      Those messages are for you.

7.- That is henry’s pen.

      Those are henry’s pens.

8.- That mountain in the distance forms part of the “Macizo Guayanes”

      Those mountains in the distance forms part of the “Macizo Guayanes”

9.- This office at the end of the hall is the administration office.

     These offices at the end of the hall are the administration offices.

10.- This chair is very comfortable

      These chairs are very comfortable

Object Pronouns[pic 1]


You                   Us        


Him [pic 2]



Choose the correct form

1.- I often see them (They, them, us, it) on the bus.

2.- she lives near us (us, her, we, I).

3.- (we, us) we always walk to school together.

4.- He teaches us (I, Me, we, us) English.

5.- I always speak to him (he, him) in French.

6.- there are some letters here for you and me (I, me).

7.-he sends her (she, her) a lot of presents.

8.- she always helps me (I, her, me, you) with my homework.

9.- He looks at me (her, his, she, me) all during the lesson.

10.- he wants to talk with her (her, me. I, she, us).

Substitute the correct object pronoun for the word or words in lucidas

1.- I see near Grace and Frances during the lesson.

     I see near it during the lesson.

2.- All the boys like Helen very much.

     All the boys like her very much.

3.- I often see you and your sister in the school cafeteria.

     I often see you in the school cafeteria.

4.- He always goes to the movies with his parents.

     He always goes to the movies with them.

5.- Frank always waits for John and me after lesson.

     Frank always waits for us after lesson.

6.- I talked to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson yesterday.

     I talked to them yesterday.

7.- I understand my teacher, Mr. Jones, every day.

     I understand them, every day.

8.- Everyone in our house watches television except my brother.

     Everyone in our house watches television except him.

9.- He always speaks to his students in German.

     He always speaks to them in German.

10.- He sends his parents money every week.

     He sends them money every week.

Past Tense.

Complete the following questions with the correct verb in past.

[pic 3]

  1. We worked in our garden all day yesterday.
  2. He always studied to learn English.
  3. I listened to the radio until twelve o’clock last week
  4. They lived in France for many years.
  5. The meeting waited about two hours.
  6. I waited almost two hours for Helen.
  7. They painted their house white.
  8. She arrived late for class.
  9. We watched television until eleven o’clock last night.
  10. She came in our class last summer.
  11. I prepared your letter on my way to work.
  12. We both learned how to swim many years ago.

Present continuous tense

     Complete the following sentences with the present continuous form of the verb in parentheses.


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