Guía de Inglés nº 02 Segundo Corte
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Guía de Ingles nº 02 Segundo Corte
Apellidos y Nombres Marín Villarroel Néstor Javier C. I nº_28.628.259
Fecha ___________ Sección______
Estimados discentes la presente guía debe ser respondida de acuerdo a cada uno de los planteamientos hechos en cada uno de los apartados, ustedes deben investigar cada punto tratado por favor respondan y entreguen con puntualidad.
Change the following sentences from singular to plural.
1.- This room is too small for our class.
These rooms are too small for our class.
2.- That pen on the floor is John’s.
Those pens on the floor are John’s.
3.- This pack of cigarettes belongs to William.
These packs of cigarettes belongs to William.
4.- That boy on the other side of the street is George’s brother.
Those boys on the other side of the street are George’s brothers.
5.- This car belongs to my father.
These cars belongs to my father.
6.- That message is for you.
Those messages are for you.
7.- That is henry’s pen.
Those are henry’s pens.
8.- That mountain in the distance forms part of the “Macizo Guayanes”
Those mountains in the distance forms part of the “Macizo Guayanes”
9.- This office at the end of the hall is the administration office.
These offices at the end of the hall are the administration offices.
10.- This chair is very comfortable
These chairs are very comfortable
Object Pronouns[pic 1]
You Us
Him [pic 2]
Choose the correct form
1.- I often see them (They, them, us, it) on the bus.
2.- she lives near us (us, her, we, I).
3.- (we, us) we always walk to school together.
4.- He teaches us (I, Me, we, us) English.
5.- I always speak to him (he, him) in French.
6.- there are some letters here for you and me (I, me).
7.-he sends her (she, her) a lot of presents.
8.- she always helps me (I, her, me, you) with my homework.
9.- He looks at me (her, his, she, me) all during the lesson.
10.- he wants to talk with her (her, me. I, she, us).
Substitute the correct object pronoun for the word or words in lucidas
1.- I see near Grace and Frances during the lesson.
I see near it during the lesson.
2.- All the boys like Helen very much.
All the boys like her very much.
3.- I often see you and your sister in the school cafeteria.
I often see you in the school cafeteria.
4.- He always goes to the movies with his parents.
He always goes to the movies with them.
5.- Frank always waits for John and me after lesson.
Frank always waits for us after lesson.
6.- I talked to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson yesterday.
I talked to them yesterday.
7.- I understand my teacher, Mr. Jones, every day.
I understand them, every day.
8.- Everyone in our house watches television except my brother.
Everyone in our house watches television except him.
9.- He always speaks to his students in German.
He always speaks to them in German.
10.- He sends his parents money every week.
He sends them money every week.
Past Tense.
Complete the following questions with the correct verb in past.
[pic 3]
- We worked in our garden all day yesterday.
- He always studied to learn English.
- I listened to the radio until twelve o’clock last week
- They lived in France for many years.
- The meeting waited about two hours.
- I waited almost two hours for Helen.
- They painted their house white.
- She arrived late for class.
- We watched television until eleven o’clock last night.
- She came in our class last summer.
- I prepared your letter on my way to work.
- We both learned how to swim many years ago.
Present continuous tense
Complete the following sentences with the present continuous form of the verb in parentheses.