Language teaching methodology i course
Enviado por HanIEL24_ • 23 de Agosto de 2023 • Apuntes • 1.742 Palabras (7 Páginas) • 49 Visitas
- Please: Explore the book: Approaches and Methods in LT, your class notes and your partners presentations and then answer the following questions. Thanks!
- Student´s name: ___________Hannia Mendoza Marquez ______________________________________________________________
Grammar translation
What is the main learning objective? to enable students to read and translate literature written
in the source language, and to further students' general intellectual development
What is the role of the teacher? To provide a model of good grammar and to help students learn
how to translate.
What is the role of the student? The students have to translate all of the information that they
recieve from the teacher
What materials are used? The teacher uses a textbook, institutionally prepared materials, or his
or her own materials, instructional materials
What are the teaching activities? Grammar is taught deductively by presentation and study of
grammar rules, which are practiced through translation exercises. Vocabulary selection is based
solely on the reading text used, and words are taught through bilingual word list, dictionary study,
and memorization.
Direct method
What is the main learning objective? The direct method was developed in response to the
grammar translation method, which involved very little spoken communication and listening
comprehension. The primary objective of the direct method was to teach L2 learners how to use
language for communication purposes
What is the role of the teacher? Before teaching, this kind of method says that the teachers must
have a good pronunciation and good knowledge of the language, because the students must
have a good suport to trust and to improve themselves, so also the teacher must improve their
teacher skills to speak and explain better the words and ideas, something like involve the
students with the culture of the language.
What is the role of the student? ? As the student we must cooperate, speak as well we can, and
of course try to associate the new ideas to our daily routine, speak and do not stop speaking,
investigate the pronunciation and make questions to the teacher if we don't know a meaning.
What materials are used? ? Give the students instructions in the target language to improve their listening. Everyday practice vocabulary. Comunicate skills will be build in a question – answer
way. Learn grammar will be inductively (From general to particular) The teacher ideas must be
in an oral way. * The vocabulary must be teaching with demostration, objects, pictures, abstract
vocabulary by association ideas. * The pronunciation will be emphasized
What are the teaching activities?
Never translate: Demostrate. Never explain: act Never make
a speech: Make questions Never imitated mistakes: Correct Never speak with single words: Use
sentences. Never speak too much: Make the studentesspeak much Never use the book: use
your lesson plan Never jump arround: follow your plan. Never go fast. Never speak to slowly,
quickly or loudly: Naturally. Be patient
Audiolingual method
What is the main learning objective?
Shortrange objectives include training in listening
comprehension, accurate pronunciation, recognition of speech symbols as graphic signs on the
printed page, and ability to reproduce these symbols in writing
What is the role of the teacher? The teacher models the target language, controls the direction
and pace of learning, and monitors and corrects the learners' performance.
What is the role of the student? Learners play a reactive role by responding to stimuli, and thus
have little control over the content, pace, or style of learning. They are not encouraged to initiate
interaction, because this may lead to mistakes.
What materials are used? They are primarily teacher oriented. At this stage in learning, exposure
to the printed word may not be considered desirable, because it distracts attention from the aural
input. The teacher, however, will have access to a teacher's book that contains the structured
sequence of lessons xo be followed and the dialogues, drills, and other practice activities. When
textbooks and printed materials are introduced to the student, they provide the texts of dialogues
and cues needed for drills and exercises
What are the teaching activities? Repetition, inflection, replacement, restatement, completion,
transposition, expansion, contraction, transformation, integration, rejoinder, restoration.