Actividad Writing Guide for English
Enviado por amanjarresz • 5 de Octubre de 2013 • 2.371 Palabras (10 Páginas) • 2.655 Visitas
UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA – UNAD Instituto Virtual de Lenguas INVIL Programa: Programa Nacional de inglés Curso: Inglés III ( B1+) Campo de formación: Componente Básico Común. Tipo de curso: Metodológico. Créditos: Dos (2). Diseñador del recurso: Constanza González
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To build in a collective way the book “Pack your bags we are travelling in Colombia.”
To show the use of writing skills learned through an essay in which it defends a point of view. To write a short text in which the student shows the use of the grammar and vocabulary learned through the units and levels.
Topics to check:
Units 1 to 13.
Grammar Past simple time markers, giving and asking for directions, prepositions and phrasal verbs, past progressive vs. simple past, modal verbs of obligation and advice: ought to -have to, need to, must, had better, present perfect tense, present perfect continuous. Vocabulary Describing the place where we live, Time markers, lack, lacking / enough / prepositions and phrasal verbs, Use ING forms as adjectives, subjects and objects.
General aspect:
Study and check the units 1 to 13. During the development of the writing the student acquires the skills according to writing. The final product must be performed during the following dates and it will be evaluated according to the Rubrics. This process can be guided by the tutor through the general forum.
Learning Strategy:
The learning process in the e-learning model requires and depends on the student's discipline for self-learning, where the student is the engine of the process and the one who explores the environment and reality, responding to problematic situations in life, reaffirming the training and learning in this process through reflection and feedback in an interaction with the tutor and classmates in the writing forum.
The student must consistently follow a series of steps to complete the final product, in which the skills acquired will be evident in their writing skills such as: style, creativity, coherence, cohesion, grammar, vocabulary and punctuation.
UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA – UNAD Instituto Virtual de Lenguas INVIL Programa: Programa Nacional de inglés Curso: Inglés III ( B1+) Campo de formación: Componente Básico Común. Tipo de curso: Metodológico. Créditos: Dos (2). Diseñador del recurso: Constanza González
Activities schedule:
Opening 1st October - 2013 00:05 am
Closing 12th November – 2013 11:55pm
Awaited product: Documento en pdf; que se subirá al link de tareas, creado para tal fin.
Evaluative weight 50 points
To succeed in this writing assignment, follow these recommendations:
Review the Units 1 to 6.
Read the guide carefully
Read the Rubrics carefully
Use the dictionary frequently during the writing process.
Check ideas; they must be clear and organized.
On-line Translators are useful tools, be responsible at using them.
Be creative! Imagination and good sense of humor are important items at writing
Your text must be coherent. Use connectors to join sentences and paragraphs.
Participate in the writing forum to socialize your ideas and be given the corresponding feedback.
UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA – UNAD Instituto Virtual de Lenguas INVIL Programa: Programa Nacional de inglés Curso: Inglés III ( B1+) Campo de formación: Componente Básico Común. Tipo de curso: Metodológico. Créditos: Dos (2). Diseñador del recurso: Constanza González
STAGE 1 (Personal information)
Write your personal information and add your picture.
Full name, where and when you were born, CEAD you study at, group number, program, place of living.
STAGE 2 (Drafting)
Organization of the information: write geographical description of the place, weather, historical events, places to visit and flora and fauna. It is necessary to socialize this information in the Writing Forum to interact with classmates and tutor who will provide the corresponding feedback.
Select the title
STAGE 1 General idea
STAGE 2 Draft (preliminary sketch)
Edit and revise
STAGE 3 Proofread
UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA – UNAD Instituto Virtual de Lenguas INVIL Programa: Programa Nacional de inglés Curso: Inglés III ( B1+) Campo de formación: Componente Básico Común. Tipo de curso: Metodológico. Créditos: Dos (2). Diseñador del recurso: Constanza González
STAGE 3 (Essay)
Write the text and add original pictures. Also, divide the information into four paragraphs. Each paragraph must have minimum six (6) sentences and maximum twelve (12) sentences.
Paragraph 1: Geographical description of the place, weather, and population (Add a map) Present tenses: Present simple, present progressive.
Paragraph 2: Historical events and places. (Add original pictures no more than three pictures). Past tenses: past simple and past progressive
Paragraph 3: Places to visit and fauna and flora (Add one original picture).
Paragraph 4: Advisory paragraph (modal verbs).
Colons, semicolons, comas etc. difficult to use. That is why you should read the following information.
If you need some help in how to write your sentences, ideas or paragraphs, these web sites can help you.
1. Personal information and picture 2. Drafting 3. Title, text and pictures
Check the following text as an example.
UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA – UNAD Instituto Virtual de Lenguas INVIL Programa: Programa Nacional de inglés Curso: Inglés III ( B1+) Campo de formación: Componente Básico Común. Tipo de curso: Metodológico. Créditos: Dos (2). Diseñador del recurso: Constanza González
Barranquilla, a city full of history
Barranquilla is a city located in the Atlantic Colombian