Enviado por lock.lers92 • 6 de Marzo de 2015 • 3.073 Palabras (13 Páginas) • 229 Visitas
8-23-2001 (1.30)
- IF YOU ARE HAVING MOUSE SENSITIVITY ISSUES WITH THIS, AND THE VERSION 1.29g POINT RELEASES PLEASE READ THIS - This and the last version of the point releases, were compiled with a new version of Direct Input that may have changed your mouse sensitivity. If you have noticed a change, we have a fix for you. The cvar \in_mouse can be used to set the "feel" of the sensitivity back to previous versions of Quake III. At the console type:
\in_mouse 1 - To get the same "feel" as version 1.27h. This is the default "feel" that was shipped with Team Arena.
\in_mouse -1 - To get the same "feel" as version 1.17 of Quake III. These are the only 2 "feels" that Quake III and Team Arena have ever had, so one of the settings should get you back on track.
\in_restart - must be used to initialize both of the above commands.
- NEW id CREATED PRO MAPS - One of our newer employees, Fred Nilsson, is an avid fan tournament style game play, and is very interested in the professional gaming community. Via feedback from professional Quake 3 players, Fred has made some modifications to some of the more popular maps that shipped with Quake 3 including "The Camp Grounds", "Lost World", "The Proving Grounds", and "Vertical Vengeance" You can play them in the single player game by advancing to tier 7, or run them on your server by using the map names "PRO-Q3DM6", "PRO-Q3DM13", "PRO-Q3TOURNEY2" and, "PRO-Q3TOURNEY4". These are a lot of fun! Give them a try!
- NEW NETWORK CODE - There is a new compression system built into the network code of the latest point release. Essentially, this reduces the bandwidth usage of Quake 3 and Team Arena by a ratio of 5:1 over previous versions of the game. Modem players, as well as everyone else, should experience a significant improvement in internet game play because of this.
- AUTO UPDATE SYSTEM - Within this release is an Auto Update system that can be used to at any time to check for and download updates to Quake 3 and Team Arena. When you install the point release a file will be created in your Quake III Arena directory and in the Start Menu called, "Check For Quake III Arena Updates". Running this file will check our servers for updates and notify you if there is a newer version or inform you that your files are up to date. The auto updater will create a directory on your C: where downloaded updates will be stored. It is important that you DO NOT delete this directory. If you plan to uninstall Quake III, make sure to uninstall all of the point releases as well. (Auto Update is for Win32 systems ONLY.)
- NEW RAIL, ROCKET LAUNCHER, PLASMA GUN, and LIGHTNING GUN EFFECTS - There have been several new weapon effects that we’ve managed to sneak into this release. We’ve turned them off in the game by default, but you can enable them from the console by pressing the ~ key and typing the following commands:
\cg_oldRail 0 (enables the new rail effect)
\cg_oldRocket 0 (enables the new rocket effect)
\cg_oldPlasma 0 (enables the new plasma effect)
\cg_trueLightning 0.5 (enables the new lightning gun effect)
In addition, the colors of the new rail effect can be changed with the cvars \color1 and \color2 with values of 1 through 8. (ex. \color1 1 or \color2 5). The new Rail gun effect was donated from the Alliance mod team The new Lightning gun effect was donated from the CPMA mod team
- NEW CHEATING COUNTER MEASURES - There has been quite a bit of new code added to make it much more difficult to cheat and hack the game. We’d tell you more, but that would be defeating the purpose... Rest assured that it will be harder to cheat than ever before.
- NEW PROTOCOL CHANGE - The changes made to improve network code and prevent cheating will make this and future version of Quake 3 and Team Arena incompatible with older versions. This will affect older versions of demos as well. We wish it were possible to maintain game compatibility through each release, however major code changes limit our ability to do so.
- TEAM SELECTION - When a player starts a game with map or devmap the team logos displayed will be the last two teams used in the single player game. The console cvars g_blueteam and g_redteam commands will allow server admins to change the teams being played on dedicated servers.
- Q3:TA TEAM CREATION - It is now possible to create original Team Arena teams with new team logos, body models, head models, voices and skins. Previously the code had been designed to limit the game to use of two body models (James & Janet). With this point release, hobbyists who know their way around the skills of model-making, animating, and skinning can make new team content for Team Arena. The "how-to" details for the creation of new teams are extensive and will be documented in a separate publication. These new teams will be available for use in single player, and multiplayer games.
- INCREASED VERSATILITY FOR USER-CREATED TEAM SKINS IN Q3A AND Q3:TA - When a user-created skin for a model is accompanied by a set of similarly named matching team color skins, the game will now use those instead of the model’s default team skin. For things to work right you have to have the following in the pak file for a blue team skin for and example skin for the Crash model name Hellion:
Hellion_blue.tga models\players\crash\
Hellion_blue_f.tga models\players\crash\
Hellion_blue_t.tga models\players\crash\ models\players\crash\
Icon_Hellion_blue.tga models\players\crash\ models\players\crash\ models\players\crash\