- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  25 de Abril de 2015  •  Práctica o problema  •  1.381 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  134 Visitas

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Can we know when to trust our emotions in the pursuit of knowledge? Consider History and one area of knowledge

Emotions are an important way of knowing and one that we use every day. Day after day and second by second we live experiences, realities and we discover the world through our emotions and our ability to feel. This element has been one key to attaining perception about life, and transmitting and gaining knowledge. Emotions are the way in which humans can perceive and feel their reality, from a grumpy mood to getting too excited. Being able to express what we feel determines our behavior as well as our way of thinking. Emotions are the fundamental way for acquiring and expressing different types of knowledge, which can be different for each person. I believe emotions are essential for the pursuit of knowledge, but whether to trust them differs with each person’s perception and the effect that will have on life. This essay analyzes the idea that emotions are a principal factor that shapes our knowledge. The role of emotion will be discussed based on the study of arts and the role of the historical character of a nation, such as Evita Peron.

From primitive cave paintings to the glorious verses of William Shakespeare to the modern contemporary art in our times, the arts have been a symbol for culture and knowledge to humans. Art is for many the medium to see reality and the most effective way to describe emotions, feelings and even the current situation in society. The greatest sculptors, musicians, writers and painters tap into their feelings to create and imagine a world that for them is real. They show their reality and inspired the development of knowledge in our days. I remember analyzing in art class the different works and paintings of Salvador Dali. The Spanish artist was a person who expressed himself painting his personal point of view about society and life. Our History teacher told us that at the time

Spain was embroiled in the Spanish Civil War, Dali painted Soft Construction with Boiled Creating Beans and Guernica. This master piece of deep meaning and symbolism represents Spain and the artist’s despair and anger at the civil war. His despair and anxiety were not reasons to stop his creation, instead it was the main inspiration for a more broad and exaggerated artwork. For me his work was and is a fountain of knowledge that represents the reflection of the experience and reality lived by many. He trusted his personal emotions and nowadays his work is an essential piece of history that helps to understand the Spanish Civil War. In addition, there was one time that I had to investigate Frida Kahlo, the famous Mexican painter and her life. I was amused about the tragic, happy and depressive things she took on all her life, but mainly about what she tried to convey with her art. She married Diego Rivera, but then she was destroyed and broken when she found her husband cheating on her. Her pain was portrayed to her canvas; her unhappiness, anger, disappointment and rage fueled her bloody portraits influenced by surrealism. Her techniques, perspectives and contrasting colors are now recognized around the world. Many painters and artists follow her paintings and methods because they want to learn from the best, so actually all her knowledge and wisdom is continuously expanding to others. But she is not only a fountain of knowledge for art, she is the strength and inspiration among women by her way of seeing her canvas as her diary, where she was being herself on what she trusted the most.

Writer and poets are artists who believe that words, rhymes and verses can demonstrate the truth about human feelings. Man has always used stories in the form of myths, legends and folklore, to describe life and as a way to communicate and create a new kind of vocabulary. If we analyze and go back to Shakespeare’s age at the time he wrote his first verses and rhymes we can identify many facts and secrets behind our vocabulary. I read one time


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