- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

La historia de café Nescafé

Enviado por   •  22 de Enero de 2015  •  Informe  •  1.191 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  187 Visitas

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• 1938

Nescafé coffee was launched.

OLD FASHIONED: Chocolate bar from 1945

• 1939

During World War II, Members of the Board and General Management were transferred to the U.S. where they coordinated Nestlé activities in the Western Hemisphere, the British Empire and overseas.

• 1940

In the early 1940s Nestea was launched.

• 1943

Ironically, having slowed the initial launch of Nescafé, the war then helped to popularize it; with the United States entering the war, Nescafé coffee became a staple beverage of American servicemen serving in Europe and Asia.


• 1945

The close of World War II marked the beginning of a particularly dynamic phase of our history. Dozens of new products were added as our growth accelerated and we acquired outside companies.

• 1947

The Maggi products, from seasoning to soups, become part of the Nestlé family following the merger with Alimenting S.A.

• 1948

Nesquik, the instant chocolate drink, was developed in the United States. Its original name of Quick was a direct allusion to the speed and simplicity of its preparation.

• 1977

Rising oil prices and slow growth in industrialized countries meant that we needed to respond to a radically changed marketplace. In 1977, we made our second venture outside the food industry by acquiring Alcon Laboratories Inc., a U.S. manufacturer of pharmaceutical and ophthalmic products.

In the 1970s, declining rates of breastfeeding led a number of organizations to raise concerns about the marketing practices of breast milk substitute manufacturers - including Nestlé - in developing countries. This resulted in the Infant Formula Action Coalition launching a boycott of our products in 1977 in the United States. This boycott was dropped in 1984.

• 1981

In 1981 the World Health Assembly adopted the International Code for the Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes (“WHO Code”) and recommended that its Member States implement it. Nestlé was the first company to develop policies based on the WHO Code and apply them across our entire operations in developing countries.

• 1984

An improved bottom line allowed us to make new acquisitions, including a public offer of USD 3 billion for the American food giant, Carnation. At the time, this was one of the largest acquisitions in the history of the food industry.

• 1986

The Espresso story began in 1986 with a simple idea: enable anyone to create the perfect cup of espresso coffee, just like a skilled barista.

• 1988

The Italian brand Buitoni, in Sansepolcro, became part of our portfolio in 1988. Nestled in the hills of Tuscany, Casa Buitoni is the symbol of the brand’s ongoing commitment to quality, creativity, and tradition.

In 1988, a group of organizations in the United Kingdom launched a new boycott against Nestlé. Later, as a result of our inclusion in the responsible investment index FTSE4Good in 2011, the United Reformed Churches ended their support for this boycott. By this time, a number of other significant stakeholders had already ended their support for it, including the General Synod of the Church of England, the Royal College of Midwives, and the Methodist Ethical Investment Committee.

• 1993

The first half of the 1990s were favorable for Nestlé with the opening up of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as China – good news for a company with such far-flung and diverse interests.

• 2001

We merged with the Ralston Purina Company, which had been founded in 1983, in 2001 to form a new pet food company, Nestlé Purina Pet Care Company.

• 2002

Two major acquisitions were made in North America in 2002: in July, the merger of our U.S. ice cream business with Dreyer’s; and in August, a USD 2.6 billion acquisition of Chef America Inc., and a leading frozen food product business.

• 2003

We acquired Mövenpick Ice Cream, enhancing our position as a market leader in the super premium category.


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