Recursos Humanos
Enviado por car24dua • 20 de Marzo de 2013 • 6.926 Palabras (28 Páginas) • 408 Visitas
Module Overview 1
Lesson: The MSF Team Model 2
Lesson: MSF Role Clusters 15
Lesson: Scaling Teams for Project
Efficiency 28
Lesson: A Scalable Approach to Project
Management 40
Module Summary 51
Module 2: Building an
MSF Team
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Module 2: Building an MSF Team 1
Module Overview
! The MSF Team Model
! MSF Role Clusters
! Scaling Teams for Project Efficiency
! A Scalable Approach to Project Management
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The MSF team model is based on many years of experience Microsoft® has in
forming small, multidisciplinary teams that successfully develop IT solutions.
After completing this module, you will be able to:
! Discuss how six of the eight MSF foundational principles apply to the team
! Identify the major project goal associated with each team role cluster on an
MSF project.
! Identify how to organize an MSF team with a specific number of
! Discuss how project management in MSF is distributed among team leads
on large projects.
2 Module 2: Building an MSF Team
Lesson: The MSF Team Model
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
! Describe why the MSF team model was created
! Describe the MSF team model structure
! Discuss the key concepts and proven practices that relate
to the team model
! Discuss how six of the eight MSF foundational principles
apply to the team model
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This lesson introduces the MSF team model.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
! Describe why the MSF team model was created.
! Describe the MSF team model structure.
! Discuss the key concepts and proven practices of the MSF team model.
! Describe how six of the eight MSF foundational principles apply to the team
Lesson objectives
Module 2: Building an MSF Team 3
Activity: Communicating in Teams
Follow your instructors directions
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The instructions for this activity are in the Activities Appendix. Your instructor
may have additional directions.
4 Module 2: Building an MSF Team
Symptoms of Challenged Projects
This thing is
unpredictable we
keep discovering
new problems
Its just too
difficult to use
We couldnt get
the information
we needed to
do our work
We were unaware
of how the work of
other team members
affected our work
The project
was late and
over budget
What was
built really
isnt what
we needed
It doesnt meet
our expectations
were not happy We didnt
understand clearly
what we were
supposed to do
We cant get
it to operate
well in our
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The quotes on the slide come from customers and project team members. Those
on the top and bottom represent typical complaints made by customers and
users when they are unhappy with the outcome of a project. The three
comments in the middle are from team members and offer some insight into the
obstacles they encountered in successfully completing their work.
Too often, the cause for project challenges or failures could have been
addressed by clearly identifying the main project goals and then modeling a
way to achieve those goals through designated participants on the team.
Microsoft has found that one of the best ways to reduce project failure rates is
by taking a proactive approach to organizing teams in a way that addresses
these common issues head-on.
Module 2: Building an MSF Team 5
Goals for Successful Projects
Establish good communications
Related Project Goal
for Success
Deliver within project
Build to specifications
Release with issues identified
and addressed
Deploy smoothly and prepare
well for ongoing operations
Enhance user effectiveness
The project was late and over