Adolescent Anxiety
Enviado por fatiabi • 6 de Mayo de 2023 • Ensayo • 1.022 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 78 Visitas
English VI
Informative Essay
02 April 2023
Adolescent Anxiety
Mental health is an aspect that in recent years has become more visible in society, on the other hand, anxiety is currently one of the mental problems that affects mostly young people between 14 and 18 years old , this problem is very important to treat and analyze it because today, due to our current context there is a high probability of being victims of this mental illness and can interfere in daily activities such as work, studies and personal relationships. On the subject of anxiety there are many areas that can be studied, but it must be considered that the three most essential points to be aware of the impact of this problem are to know the types of anxiety, how it affects the lives of those who suffer from it and the techniques in which this problem can be treated.
One of the most important points to know about anxiety is that there are several types. Among the most frequent types is: "Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), which is a mental condition in which the patient is usually worried or anxious about simple things that occur in everyday life” (National Library of Medicine). This type is the most common among young people because it is caused by their own context and things that although they can control anxiety can make them seem that it is a no-win situation. “Another of the most common types is anxiety disorder, this disorder is an intense and persistent fear of being observed and judged by others” (The National Institute of Mental Health). This type had a high peak during the 2020 pandemic because the lack of socialization among adolescents reduced their social skills at a stage where social relationships are extremely important. Finally, another of the most common types of panic disorder is panic disorder, “which involves repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear or terror that peak within minutes of panic attacks” (Mayo clinic). Although these are the most common types among young people, it should not be forgotten that any person of other age ranges can be a victim of these conditions.
Another crucial point to understand the impact of anxiety within those who suffer from it is to know how it affects them in their daily life. Based on personal observations it is important to mention that although it all depends on the type of anxiety that the patient has, normally adolescent patients have the characteristic that most of them are studying and the anxiety disorder causes serious effects on their student life such as lack of attention to class and delay in the completion of homework and assignments, which ends up affecting their student curriculum. In addition, Harvard University studies conducted by Dr. Kelly Bilodeau mention that there is also the constant presence of intrusive thoughts that affect any seemingly calm activity performed by the patient, becoming uncontrollable stress and fear. Social relationships are more affected when it comes to social anxiety, since according to the National Institute of Mental Health the patient usually tends to move away from friends, family and other close people, and socializing with other groups of people creates in his mind the idea that he will be judged and that it may be better to avoid it. It is also emphasized that "Anxiety commonly causes a change in appetite" (Medical News Today). Finally, “It also makes them prone to be victims of suicide and self-injury which is alarming since suicide is the fourth leading cause of death in older adolescents (15-19 years)” (World Health Organization).
The last point that is important to know about this problem are the treatments that exist to combat anxiety disorders. Among these are the medication by health professionals which depending on the type and level of anxiety that you have among the possible medical treatments are: “benzodiazepines, can reduce anxiety, panic, and worry, antidepressants can also help with anxiety disorders. They adjust the way your brain uses certain chemicals to improve mood and reduce stress” (Cleveland Clinic). Finally, another medication option to counteract the effects of anxiety are "beta-blocker medications, which help reduce the symptoms of anxiety, including sweating and tremors. They do not treat the feeling of anxiety, only the physical symptoms that accompany it" (Cleveland Clinic) Also, the accompaniment of psychological talk therapy and support from friends, family and teachers can help to decrease the rates of anxiety in adolescents.