Enviado por claudiaarmijo • 12 de Mayo de 2014 • 1.205 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 157 Visitas
• 1993 cuando se obtuvo el punto más bajo que era de cinco divorcios por cada 100 matrimonios
• en las estadísticas más recientes, que son del año 2009, el registro indica que hubo 26 mil 096 parejas que decidieron unirse en matrimonio, sin embargo, en el mismo año el número de divorcios es alto: siete mil 366, lo que representa 282 divorcios por cada 100 enlaces.
• De acuerdo a los resultados del INEGI, la mayoría de las divorciadas son mujeres jóvenes: 1 de cada 7 mujeres está separado o divorciada (2.5 veces más que el hombre)
o 1 de cada 2 mayor de 60 años (mujer)
o 1 de cada 5 mayor de 60 años (hombre)
• por cada 10 divorcios 8 los empieza la mujer
• las mujeres son menos felices
• chocolate produce en la mujer un estado de enamoramiento
CRISIS OF LOVE: Incompatibility or Caprice?
• The majority of the psychiatrists express that marriage relationships have a lot of conflict and sadness without any tangible cause.
• Cause: “because we are incompatible” or “we have irreconcilable differences”
• Every year in the United States there are more than 1 million divorces and 60 percent of them show no serious problems that justify their separation
• Women expect more of men
• They didn´t fulfill their expectations in their love life.
• Now it´s easier to end comprises claiming incompatible character, but rather tan a cause, it´s just an excuse of unhappiness with the responsibility of the spouse not making me happy. They get married empty and think marriage will make them happy. Marriage is not to be filled but to fill.
• The husband thinks he is showing his love because he married her. He Works hard so she isn´t missing anything. He get home and wants to watch TV and have sex three or four times a week.
• His wife doesn´t feels loved, wants to talk more, go out, and receive love without sex. She feels like an object of decoration and pleasure, loses interest in having sex, and feels bad.
• According to ONU (2012)- 1of 4 mothers in Mexico: teen
• En Tamaulipas el 95.2% de los adolescentes tiene conocimiento de los anticonceptivos
• 55.4% de los adolescentes que tienen vida sexual activa no utilizan métodos anticonceptivos
• la información sexual no es suficiente
• early sexualization
• pornography and casual sex
• dumb and inmatura men
• disconnected and narcissism generation
• estamos sexualizando a las niñas muy tempranamente
• niños de 4 o 5 años empiezan a vivir como adolescentes
• empiezan a cambiar los juegos de las niñas
• las parejas sexuales del hombre son 18 y el de las mujeres es 4
• soft core sex
• médium core sex
• hard core sex:
o rape, sadism, masochism or violence
o 11-the average age a child is first exposed to porn
o developed an increased sexual callousness toward women
o developed distorted perceptions about sexualit
o lacked confidence in marriag as either a viable or lasting institution
• free hard core sex: 12 millones
• la pornografía puede ser causa de divorcio
• el hombre tiene 20 veces más de testosterona que la mujer
• Marlyn Monroe era talla 14
• Married men feel less satisfies with their conjugal relations and less emotionally attached to their wives. Wives notice and are upset by the difference.
• Among coucples affected by one spouse´s addiction, thow-thirds experience a loss of interest in sexual intercourse.
• Is addictive
• Prolonged consumption of pronography by men produces stronger notions of women as commodities or as “sex objects”.
• Information about the sexual anatomy
• Contraceptives and sexually transmitted diseases
But also they need:
• How is the love process and not only the physical reaction
• How the brain Works and how the brain loveds of women and men
• How to develop the Executivel Intelligence
o Impulse control
o Delay of gratification
o Common vision and goals
o Empathy
o Priorities
o Frustration tolerance