Enviado por jennykitty • 10 de Diciembre de 2013 • 1.115 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 197 Visitas
The origin of psychometrics know that comes from Galton and his associates , as we know it today, did not really begin to develop until the early years of the last century . In part inspired by the great advances that are being made at that time in the natural sciences, the goal of these early researchers was to break with the tradition of viewing psychology as a branch of philosophy and instead define it as a science. With this in mind, one of its main objectives was to abandon the tradition of exploring psychological phenomenon through introspection and self- reflection, and instead of applying the principles of natural science to psychology. Realizing that it had to be able to measure psychological phenomenon, the area of psychometrics (the measurement of psychological characteristics) was born.
The first psyhometricians are primarily measuring intelligence (eg , Binet , 1910 ; Spearman, 1904, Stern , 1912 ; Terman , et al, 1917 ), with subsequent researchers turn their attention to the measurement of personality ( Cattell , 1946, Hathaway and McKinley , 1940 ; Guildford and Guildford , 1936 ) and attitudes ( Guttman , 1944 ; Thurston, 1928 ) . Psychometric the term has come to be reserved to describe the statistical models that support the construction and testing using pen and paper, rather than being used to describe psychological testing in its broadest sense ( for example , evaluation of motor skills , memory and attention , etc. . )
There are two main models that support statistical test construction ; Classical Test Theory (sometimes called True Score Theory ) , which evolved from the work of Spearman ( 1904) and other ( Kline , 1986 , for a good description of classical test theory ) and item response theory (sometimes called Rasch Scale ) , developed from the work of Rasch (1960 ) and others (see Wilson , 2005 , for a good description of Response Theory ) .
Psychological Tests
1. Reliability Test
Reliability is a vital component of any good psychological test. Discover what reliability is and the different types that exist.
2. Test validity
When you are looking at the utility and merit of the test, the validity is one of the most important qualities
3. Indicator Myers -Briggs Type
Indicator Myers -Briggs type is one of the most widely used assessments of personality in the world.
4. GRE Psychology Subject Test
Get the information you need to know about the GRE Psychology Subject Test. Discover what is GRE Psychology Test, which covers the test, you have to do to prepare and when offered the test.
5. AP Psychology test
Get the information you need to know about AP Psychology test. Find out what the AP Psychology test is what the test and what you need to do to prepare for the exam.
Common questions about Psychometrics:
What is a Self-Inventory?
A self-report inventory is a type of psychological test often used in personality assessment. This type of test is often presented in a paper and pencil format, or can be administered on a computer.
What is a projective test?
In psychology, projective test is a personality test type in which the individual offers responses to ambiguous scenes, words or images.
What is the test of the Rorschach inkblot?
The Rorschach test is a type of projective assessment of personality and emotional functioning.
What kind of intelligence test scores calculated?
While people often talk about test results, many people