- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Elementary matrices.

Enviado por   •  21 de Mayo de 2013  •  Tesis  •  995 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  233 Visitas

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Elementary matrices.

zeros - Zeros array.

ones - Ones array.

eye - Identity matrix.

repmat - Replicate and tile array.

linspace - Linearly spaced vector.

logspace - Logarithmically spaced vector.

freqspace - Frequency spacing for frequency response.

meshgrid - X and Y arrays for 3-D plots.

accumarray - Construct an array with accumulation.

: - Regularly spaced vector and index into matrix.

Basic array information.

size - Size of array.

length - Length of vector.

ndims - Number of dimensions.

numel - Number of elements.

disp - Display matrix or text.

isempty - True for empty array.

isequal - True if arrays are numerically equal.

isequalwithequalnans - True if arrays are numerically equal.

Matrix manipulation.

cat - Concatenate arrays.

reshape - Reshape array.

diag - Diagonal matrices and diagonals of matrix.

blkdiag - Block diagonal concatenation.

tril - Extract lower triangular part.

triu - Extract upper triangular part.

fliplr - Flip matrix in left/right direction.

flipud - Flip matrix in up/down direction.

flipdim - Flip matrix along specified dimension.

rot90 - Rotate matrix 90 degrees.

: - Regularly spaced vector and index into matrix.

find - Find indices of nonzero elements.

end - Last index.

sub2ind - Linear index from multiple subscripts.

ind2sub - Multiple subscripts from linear index.

bsxfun - Binary singleton expansion function.

Multi-dimensional array functions.

ndgrid - Generate arrays for N-D functions and interpolation.

permute - Permute array dimensions.

ipermute - Inverse permute array dimensions.

shiftdim - Shift dimensions.

circshift - Shift array circularly.

squeeze - Remove singleton dimensions.

Array utility functions.

isscalar - True for scalar.

isvector - True for vector.

isrow - True for row vector.

iscolumn - True for column vector.

ismatrix - True for matrix.

Special variables and constants.

eps - Floating point relative accuracy.

realmax - Largest positive floating point number.

realmin - Smallest positive floating point number.

intmax - Largest positive integer


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