Trabajo evidencia 7.3 habilidades para una comunicacion asertiva
Enviado por andres arenas • 22 de Agosto de 2021 • Tarea • 663 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 66 Visitas
Evidencia 1: Writing and essay about logistics costs
Carlos Andres Cuellar Arenas.
Lorfan Leal Camargo.
Servicio Nacional Aprendizaje SENA.
Ficha: 2104812.
Palmira 05 agosto 2021.
Business competitiveness ensures the survival of companies in the market in the long term, in all segments to which they want to gain access with their products, in the local and international context.
Likewise, large and medium-sized companies need to implement strategies that will enable them to be competitive competitiveness at the moment of carrying out an international trade operation, for this have been implemented as significant modalities such as the DFI which aims to satisfactorily solve the needs in terms of correct satisfactorily solve the needs in terms of the correct quantity of product from its origin to the destination
from its origin to the place of destination, in the necessary time and at the minimum possible cost, compatible with the required service strategy. with the required service strategy.
Evidencia 1: Writing and essay about logistics costs
¿Cuáles son las ventajas de reducir los costos logísticos y de transporte en la Distribución Física Internacional y las desventajas de los altos costos en la misma?
Economic globalization is the obvious result of technological progress and has occurred especially through trade and financial flows. The Internet and communications can be seen as the lifeblood of globalization. But if there is one sector that has definitely contributed to turning the planet into a chessboard where products can be manufactured thousands of kilometers away from their final destination, it is logistics.
Economic globalization is the obvious result of technological progress and has occurred especially through trade and financial flows. The Internet and communications can be seen as the lifeblood of globalization. But if there is one sector that has definitely contributed to turning the planet into a chessboard where products can be manufactured thousands of kilometers away from their final destination, it is logistics.
But this globalization has also created a series of advantages and disadvantages for logistics operators themselves.