Enviado por papaxa • 10 de Febrero de 2013 • Informe • 703 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 270 Visitas
17% Nugget, Columbus/Tomahawk/ZeusClean bittering and stores great. When used for aroma, lends strong grapefruit and hoppy notes.
Bor 8%
This hop is now primarily being substituted with Premiant, which is more stable with respect to
alpha content and yield.
Bramling Cross (U.K.) 5% a 7% ESB, Bitter, Pale Ale
U.K. Kent Golding, U.K. Progress, Whitbread Golding
Bastante suave. Aroma Frutal , a pasas de Corinto.
Bravo 15,50% Columbus/Tomahawk/Zeus Bittering hop with fruity and floral aroma.
Brewer´s Gold 7% a 8.5% Ale Inglesas Bullion Amargo con aroma neutro.
Brewer´s Gold (Alemania) 6% a 7% Ale,Estilos mas pesados de lagers alemanas Northdown, Northern Brewer, Galena, Bullion A pasas negras, frutal, especiado.
Bullion 6.5% a 9% IPA, ESB, stout Columbus, Northern Brewer, German Brewer´s Gold Rico, usado primariamente para amargor con un intenso aroma a grosellas.
Cascade 4.5% a 7% Pale ale, IPA, porter, barleywine Centennial, Amarillo, possibly Columbus Agradable, floral, especiado y cítrico. Puede tener sabor a pomelo.
Centennial 8% a 11.5% Todos los estilos Ale, se ha utilizado en cervezas de trigo Cascade, possibly Columbus Medio con tonos florales y cítricos.
Challenger (U.K.) 6.5% a 8.5% Estilos ingleses, porter, stout, ESB, bitter U.S. or German Perle, Northern Brewer Suave a moderado, bastante especiado.
Chelan 13% Galena Bittering hop with a lot of beta acid.
Chinook 10% a 14% Pale ale, IPA, stout, porter, lager Nugget, Columbus, Northern Brewer, U.K. Target Suave a medio fuerte, especido, pino y pomelo.
Citra 12%
Released in 2007 as a dual-purpose variety, this hop does well as a bittering hop due to low
cohumulone content, and high alpha acids. When used for aroma, it lends tropical fruit and citrus
Cluster 5.5% a 8.5%
Ale y lager (Buen aroma para Ales y buen amargor para
Galena Medio y bastante especiado.
Columbus 11% a 16% IPA, pale ale, stout Nugget, Chinook, U.K. Target, Northern Brewer Agradable con aroma acre o agrio.
Crystal 2% a 4.5% Lager, pilsner, ESB
Mt. Hood, Hersbrucker, French Strisslespalt, Liberty,
Medi y agradable, especiado y floral.
El Dorado 15% Emerged in 2011. Described as having a watermelon candy, pear, and passion fruit flavor.
Eroica 9% a 12% Trigo Galena, Nugget, Chinook Fuerte pero de aroma agradable.
First Gold (U.K.) 6.5% a 8.5% Ale, ESB U.K. Kent Golding, maybe Crystal De la familia de los Golding; especiado.
Fuggle (U.K.) 4% a 5.5% Todas las Ale de estilo ingles, ESB, bitter, lager U.S. Fuggle, Willamette, Styrian Golding Robusto, no muy picante, agradable.
Fuggle (U.S.) 4% a 5.5% Algunos estilos ingleses y ales americanas
U.K. Fuggle, Willamette, Styrian