- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Name and Surname: Verónica González López

Date: 22-10-2013 08-11-2013

School: IES Pablo Picasso, Pinto.


Subject: Social Sciences

Sessions: 2 sessions

Level: 1st ESO


-To concepts related to climate and atmospheric weather.

-Describing natural disasters.

-Knowing the climate change.

-Searching information online and doing a small presentation.



In the fiesta session we have read a small text about types of natural disasters and their characteristics, and at the same time we have been interrupting the reading asking questions to the pupils and to the LA. The purposes of the questions were repeating the new words, emphasizing the most important ideas and keeping the students’ interest. Besides, a summary with the main ideas and the key concepts has been made on the blackboard. The pupils had to copy this summary on their notebooks. [pic 1][pic 2]


After that it has been introduced the assesment to the pupils. They had to choose one of the 4 types of natural disasters that they had learnt, then search information online about an specific catastrophe. They had to do a presentation in one piece of paper with one image of their catastrophe, placing where it took place, when, the consequences it had had, if it could happen again, how we could prevent it or minimize its effects.

Then we made a model of same dissasters with the computer, showing how we could find information online, how search and copy images and showing them same webpages where they could find the data as

[pic 3]


In the second session, we have divided the class into 6 groups of five students, in order to get that each group choose each own best assessment. With this activity all of the students had time to make a small presentation of their sheets to their group partners, defending their catastrophe, showing how much they knew about it, describing the phenomenon and their images etc… This six winner works where placed on the wall of the classroom, which a prize and a reward to the pupils that had worked hard and well, although all the works were assessed. During this activity the LA and the teacher where moving from one group to another making questions about the works, listening to the students’ explanations, solving arguments about the quality etc…

At the end of the class we showed a presentation of the climate change. Previously we had given to them some questions emphasizing the relation and the importance of the naturals disasters made by the climate change. During this presentation students could use and reinforce the vocabulary they had learnt and have ideas to think about those questions.[pic 4]


We have made a theatrical reading: the LA read while the teacher wrote on the blackboard a summary and the key vocabulary and she interrumpted the reading asking questions to the pupils and emphatising words and concepts or making explanations of some points. This kind of activity is something that we have been practising since I saw it on the working in tandem course. The pupils are getting used to it, and they wait for the questions or even they wait with hand raised to ask some questions of their own. In order to prepare this activity, I ask the LA to read the before, sending him a sheet or telling him the page of the course that we are going to read.


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