Enviado por Daniel Suarez • 14 de Mayo de 2020 • Apuntes • 2.012 Palabras (9 Páginas) • 340 Visitas
NAME _______________________________________ DATE ____________________________
- Write 3 adjectives that describe each picture and color it. Escribe 3 adjetivos que describan cada imagen y colorealas.
[pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3]
____________________ ____________________ ___________________
____________________ ____________________ ___________________
____________________ ____________________ ___________________
2. Underline the adjective in each sentence. Subraya el adjetivo en cada oracion.
- The new car is really fast. - The computer is too expensive.
- My grandmma is old than my mom. - Carlos Slim is a rich man.
- I am very Young.
3. Unscramble the verbs. Decrifa los verbos y escríbelos correctamente delante de cada uno.
1.- tuSdy 6.- eeS
2.- yCr 7.- tWcha
3.- mpJu 8.- yPal
4.- atE 9.- penO
5.- itrWe 10.- esolC
4. Translate to spanish the following verbs. Traduce a español los verbos.
Travel | |
Walk | |
Arrive | |
Talk | |
Play | |
Listen | |
Look | |
Cook |
5. Circle with red color the subject pronouns in all the statements. Encierra con rojo el sujeto en las oraciones.
1.- She likes to cook in the restaurant.
2.- I am 25 years old.
3.- They are going to Paris next month.
4.- It is amazing.
5.- You are good in English.
6.- He drives everyday in the city.
7.- We are the best students in our country.
8.- You are my favourite person.
6. Complete the words. Completa las palabras.
Fa___ ___ ion C___lt___re Sp___rts He___lth
- Write a short definition about what is an advertisement with your own words. Escribe con tus palabras una definición corta de ¿qué es un anuncio?
- Mention 5 media where we can see advertisements. Menciona 5 medios donde puedes ver anuncios.
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- Draw the hour and minute hand on each clock to show the time. Dibuja la manecilla de la hora y los minutos sobre cada reloj para mostrar la hora.
[pic 4]
- Mark √ the instructions to play Hangman. Marca las instrucciones para jugar ahorcado.
- a. If you are the “host”, choose a secret word. __________
- b. Start guessing letters if you are the player. ___________
- c. Each player puts the counter on the space that says “start here”. _______
- d. Players win when they guess the correct word. _________
- Read and match the numbers with its names. Lee y relaciona los numeros con sus nombres.
1. 100 _______ a) two thousand eight hundred and sixty
2. 56 _______ b) three hundred