- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Bosquejo de Curso

Título del Curso:                 INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT

Codificación:                         MANA  618        CRN: 12262        SECCION: 814

Duración:                         Ocho (8) semanas  Horario: lunes 6:00pm – 8:59pm

Pre-requisito:                 BUSG 500 y BUSG 505

Profesora:                        Dra. Mildred Díaz Colón

Horas de Oficina:                Lunes 3:00pm – 6:00pm oficina 110

Teléfono:                        (787) 257-7373 ext. 3179

Correo Electrónico:        

Término:                        PT-123, del 28 de marzo al 21 de mayo de 2016

Créditos:                        Tres (3) crédito

  1. Course Description

Design as a framework for understanding the international aspects of management, the course examines strategic aspects of managing a global or multinational business firm (cultural, linguistic, economic, political and geographic).  It also reviews the changing patterns of international business; focuses on decision involving entry into particular markets and the location of core activities and regional headquarters.  Topics include: trade and foreign direct investment, levels of analysis, modes of entering international markets, institutional environment, labor relations, relations with host governments, cultural problems, legal and political considerations, and competitive market forces.  Offered in part of term mode.

  1. Rationale

This course studies theory and practice of international management.  In particular, it places the strategic management process in a global context and examines the uniqueness of international organizational structures as they affect management practices.  Most importantly, the course emphasizes how cultural differences and similarities influence organizational communications, coordination, control, ethics, and social responsibility across management functions and national borders.

  1. Course Objectives

This course has the following objectives:

  1. To give the student an awareness of the vital importance of international issues to management and operation of both private and public sector organizations.

  1. To help the student develop an understanding of the fundamentals of strategic management in an international business environment through study and discussion of such topics as country differences, cross-border trade, the global money system and competitive issues, including strategy, operations, marketing and human resource management.
  1.  To make the student aware of how cross-cultural differences and similarities can impact on both the domestic and international manager.  
  1. To enable students to work together in small groups to analyze international management issues and cases and to present their findings to the class.
  1. To enable students to analyze the suitability of certain countries for investment, and to present their findings in well-organized, written assignments.


  1. To give the student a fundamental understanding of the ethical and social issues associated with international management.

  1. Contents





March 28

Introduction and analysis of multinationals


April 4

Course Introduction

1 - Multinational Management in a Changing World

  1. The Globalizing Economy
  2. Countries of the World
  3. World Trade Organization and Free Trade Agreements
  4. The Next Generation of Multinational Managers


April 11

  1. - Culture and Multinational Management
  1. Hofstede’s Cultural Model
  2. 7d Cultural Dimensions Model
  3. Use of cultural differences for organization building
  1. - The Institutional Context of Multinational Management
  1. Social Institutions
  2. Basic Economic Systems
  3. Religion and Education and it effect on Multinationals


April 18

  1. Strategic Management in the Multinational Company
  1. Strategies of Differentiation and Low Cost
  2. Diversification
  3. Competitive Advantage and the Value Chain
  1. Multinational and Participation Strategies
  1. The Global- Local Dilemma
  2. Multinational Level Strategies
  3. Participation Strategies: Exporting, Alliances, Licensing and FDI

Case Study Discussion


April 25

  1. Small Business as Multinational Companies: Overcoming Barriers and Finding Opportunities
  1. Barriers to Internationalization
  2. When a small business should consider going international
  1. Organizational Designs for Multinational Companies
  1. Structural Options for Multinationals
  2. Subsidiaries
  3. Coordination and Control Mechanisms

Case Study Discussion


May 2

  1. International Strategic Alliances: Management and Design
  1. Implementations of International Strategic Alliances
  2. International Cooperative Alliances
  1. Multinational E-Commerce: Strategies and Structures
  1. Practicalities of running a multinational e-commerce multinational
  2. Globalizing through the Internet

Case Study Discussion


May 9

  1. International Human Resource Management
  1. Particularities of International HR Management
  2. Expatriate Assignments
  1. HRM in the Local Context: Knowing When and How to Adapt
  1. Recruitment and Selection Practices in Different National Contexts
  2. Host Adaptations in Recruitment
  3. Training and Development
  4. Performance Appraisal and Compensation Practices
  5. Labor Relations and Union Structures

Case Study Discussion


May 16

  1. International Negotiation and Cross-Cultural Communication
  1. Basic Communication Styles
  2. Nonverbal Communication
  3. Problem Solving and Negotiation
  1. Motivation in Multinational Companies
  1. Work Values
  1. Leadership and Management Behavior in Multinational Companies
  1. Leadership Styles for Different Cultural Settings


May 23

  1. Managing Ethical and Social Responsibility Challenges in Multinational Companies
  1. National Differences in Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Global Business Plan Presentations

  1. Learning Strategies and Assessment

Active learning implies that the students engage in higher-order thinking activities such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.  These activities will be brought out in class discussion, oral presentations and written assignments.  Cooperative learning will occur as students, work together in teams to maximize each other’s learning as well as their own.  Active and cooperative learning imply the sharing of knowledge and experience on the part of both the professor and the students.  Therefore, the traditional use of classroom lectures will be minimized to increase opportunities for the exchange of ideas among students as well as between students and the professor.


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