Intercultural Communication
Enviado por marisol_gabriela • 14 de Junio de 2014 • 573 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 251 Visitas
In the first letter to Mr. Ichiro it seems that the Intercultural Communication is very informal. The first letter has a weak strategy and contains slang which is not professional for the reader. Having to read an informal letter can sometimes be very difficult to understand. Ty Smith starts out the letter by writing “Dear Ichiro” which starts out the letter to be informal. In the first sentence Ty Smith writes “heads-up” and “powers that be” these words are considered to be slang words that can be interpreted in many wrong ways and may confuse the reader. If you’re going to be writing to a person from another country one could take this letter the wrong way it is simply not professional.
The context of the first letter does not show professionalism. The first letter seems like Ty Smith and Mr. Ichiro are best friends, old colleagues or est. The letter is about one person giving information about visiting Tucson and information about flight reservations. The style of the letter is not organized at all. The purpose of this letter should be to inform the reader the departure date, the specific time of their flight. The first letter just has to be put in a much more professional matter. There is enough information in this letter it just has to be more organized.
In the third paragraph Ty Smith starts out the sentence by using the slag word “stuff”. In this letter Ty Smith should consider rewriting this letter because after all this is going to be read by an Investment Director, Ichiro Katsumi. This letter makes Ty Smith and the company that he is representing sound very unprofessional. At the end of the first letter Ty Smith ends the letter by saying “Cheers” which can somewhat confuse the reader. Saying cheers means “Bye” but many people could get confused and may not think highly of the company.
The second letter is much more formal and appropriate for the Intercultural Communication between two people. In this letter Vice President Ty Smith start the letter with a polite opening sentence by acknowledging Mr. Katsumi and his family. Ty Smith lets Mr. Katsumi know in the letter that they at Sun West Corporation are very pleased that he will be visiting.
To make the second letter more organized Vice President Ty Smith has arranged a checklist style schedule with times and dates spelled out on his departures and flight numbers. In the letter he even is adds courteous and helpful contact information just incase Mr. Katsumi needs information on travel plans or make changes. On the following page in the second letter there are specific arrival plans as to how and at what gate they will be picking up Mr. Katsumi which sounds very helpful and professional.
In the second letter, Vice President Ty Smith concludes the letter by writing “Sincerely,” “his name,” and “job title”. He end this letter with a polite closing sentence. The