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José Alejandro Fitz Alvarez

August 13, 2015

International commerce

It’s interesting to talk about international marketing, because at the same time is like you were talking about international commerce, it’s amazing how this two careers or works can have such simility, in my case I like a lot the marketing, I think it’s a very important subject, not just in international commerce, its important in every business, every career, or in every place that involves products, services, business, etc. the marketing in our days has become part of our life’s, it has grown in a very good way, like it says in the chapter 1 how a lot of business or companies has internationalized thanks to marketing, it’s true that “the marketing it’s not an easy job”  (Phillip Cateora, international marketing, 2009), like it says in the book, it can be difficult but at the same time ”the international marketing can provide wealth for you, for your family, your company and your country” (Phillip Cateora, international marketing, 2009).

I want to talk about the idea and the importance of the international marketing in a lot of aspects that i just identify after Reading this chapter, its impressive how the international marketing can influence in such important aspects as the international peace. You can think in international marketing only ass a thing of business and people that work in big companies or people that participate in big business around the world, you can think that you are not involved in this theme, but the truth is that all of us, in certain way, we are involved in international marketing. Its truth we are not involved as the same way the people that dedicate their life to marketing, but without their work we could not have access to a lot of brands, products, services, and all that stuff we see every day, but we don’t think about all the work, and the process that cost, and the result is that we can have all that stuff in a very easy way.

 Here is when we can talk about the internationalization of the business, in a very specific way; I want to talk about the internationalization of the US companies. “Whit the growing globalization or the markets, the companies necessarily interact whit foreign clients, competitors and suppliers” (Phillip Cateora, international marketing, 2009) I really like this piece of the chapter, now at days its impressive how most of the companies around the world, not just the US companies, are internationalized,  if this companies really want to grow, they have to include in their system, foreign suppliers and clients, it’s true that if you involve in international commerce, of course you´ll have more competition, and a tough competitors, but it’s the only way you can grow as an organization, and internationalize your company.                                


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