Enviado por tolucamexico • 16 de Septiembre de 2013 • 571 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 1.918 Visitas
Read and understand different types of literary texts from English speaking countries CYCLE: 4
Literary and Ludic GRADE: 2
Read fantasy literature and describe characters UNIT: 1-B
Comic strip
Select, read, and explore a fantasy narrative. Identify textual arrangement. Topic, purpose, and intended audience What is the story about? Comic strips Provide Ss with various
Determine the episode/s to be included Identify publishing data. Colophon: publishing house, year, location, etc. In the Sunday paper there Colorful comic strips, from magazines
in the comic strip. Activate previous knowledge to determine topic, Elements: characters, events, narrator, etc. are many comic strips. Funny newspapers, or other resources.
purpose, and intended audience. Patterns of textual arrangements Are these comic strips for Newspapers Have Ss choose their
Use different comprehension strategies. children, adolescents, or Magazines favorite and read it focusing
Clarify meaning of words. adults? Characters on the lay out and the kind
Story of components it has. Have
them compare with others.
Design the format for the comic strip, Distinguish implicit from explicit information. Elements: characters, events, narrator, etc. The narrator explains what Narrator Have Ss create their own
defining spaces for dialogues and Formulate and answer questions to determine Patterns of textual arrangements happens in the story. Events characters, setting, plot,
descriptions. characters' actions and abilities. Verb tenses: past and past perfect The setting is found in … Setting and ending in order to
Adjust the information to write the Identify actions used as names or as characteristic Verb forms: gerund and past participle The events are….. Plot write their own comic strip.
dialogue. qualities. List of suitable words The hero rescued the Colorful Have Ss write their own
Write brif descriptions for the characters Detect words and expressions used to describe Adjectives and adverbs of time kitten from the tall tree. Abilities comic strips, using
and events. physical features of characters. Verb tenses: past and past perfect The lady in danger was Strong authentic materials.
Check that the writing of dialogues Describe physical characteristics, abilities, and Verb forms: gerund and past participle rescued by our hero. Hero Have Ss describe their
comply with grammar, spelling, and actions to discover characters. Conditionals It was a bright sunny day Romantic characters, and their abilities.
punctuations conventions. Write sentences based on one or more abilities Homophones when….. Country side Say if the character is strong,
Incorporate the dialogues