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Enviado por carsmar • 14 de Junio de 2014 • 2.419 Palabras (10 Páginas) • 138 Visitas
The education is a multidirectional process of cultural transfer of which we use to be able to transmit a series of values and knowledge, which the personal enrichment facilitates and helps to interact with the exterior world. This transmission is very profitable at the personal level, since by means of the education we endow the persons of strategies and necessary tools to strengthen the own characteristics of each one, the integration being facilitated this way in the society.
Now well after there has been mentioned what is the education it will be possible approach since in Mexico one tries to teach English with base to the educational reform 2006 the one that stipulates that the student is considered to be an active builder of the knowledge. The teacher, on the other hand, is considered to be a user of the most experienced language who is at the expense of creating the conditions in order that the pupils approach the language, and of guiding the process. The teacher is a person in charge at the time of establishing a dialogue with the students brings over and across oral and written texts, so that the pupils turn into effective participants of an English speaking community: the lounge of classes.
The learning of a foreign language means to learn what an expert user does during/to interpret and to produce texts in a social, at the time context to teach appearing towards this aim it implies analyzing what the expert teachers do to promote the above mentioned learning. From this perspective; there is claimed that the English teachers take to end the following points:
They organize the environment of learning: The teacher needs to determine how to organize and to reorganize in an ideal way the physical space where one gives the learning (this is, to define the arrangement of the seats, position of the teacher, etc.) during a class and along the school period. Likewise, the teacher needs to define the best way of exploiting any material available resource (for example, the White board, the audio-visual supports, the leaves of work, the computers, the books of text, etc.) so that these support really the learning.
They interact and promote the interaction: The interaction is fundamental for the learning. It is a responsibility of the teacher to establish and to foment respectful interactions and with clear intentions with the students, between the students, and between the students and the language
They evaluate the achievements of the students and the own performance: In occasions the evaluation is concebida as a merely administrative process and of an alone route where the teacher determines the level of achievement that the students obtain in relation with certain aims. It is important to understand that the evaluation is a mechanism to obtain information about the achievements of the students, but at the same time, is a source of information in order that the teacher learns on his own performance.
Once raised how one tries to teach English in secondary it will be possible include the methodology of education of English language that stipulates the reform 2006 where the frame helps to illustrate how the process of education is conceptualized in this program, and how this conception expresses in the different sections of a block of the program.
The process begins with the exhibition of the students to a text oral or written, based on the topic of the block, and that contains the functions of the language stipulated for this block. The indicators of the awaited learnings that correspond to the interpretation of the texts (LISTEN / READ) describe the work with the texts, this is, which the students do with the texts. This one is a stage of concrete experience with a text
From the language contained in the text, the teacher selects the areas on which it will centre. The aspects of the language on which it will be thought over in every block are described in the section reflection on the language. It is important to mention that this one is a stage to lead the reflexive observation of the language, which means that the students themselves must try to catch the sense of how the language works. On having done this, the students advance towards a stage of abstract conceptualization, in which they elaborate generalizations on the language. The teacher must seek for the way of promoting and guiding the reflection, and to forward her when it is necessary.
The following part of the process consists of doing that the students use the language across tasks, which it goes from the controlled to the free thing. Some examples of the awaited productions describe in the section productions it shows. The indicators of awaited learnings corresponding to the production of texts (SPEAK / WRITE) describe what the students do to create texts. This one is a stage of active experimentation, where the students must have the opportunity to prove his hypotheses on the functioning of the language.
Provided that the pupils possess a limited authority of the language, they can experience certain difficulties in some point of the process of interpretation and production of texts. The indicators of the section strategic competition describe strategies that the pupils will have to develop to compensate his lack of language. These strategies will have to advance gradually of not verbal towards the verbal thing as result of a better knowledge of the language.
With base to the stimulated in the methodology of education of the language English confirming it with the didactic sequence that I use the teacher in the day of practices can denote the use of dynamical strategies for the achievement of the awaited learnings, for which the teacher based on the needs of the students that it could observe in the day of observation with which I help the teacher to determine the activities and implementation of the such technologies as the projector, videos, images etc. The production of activities that were implementing the use of the 4 macro skills in which conversations can emphasize be listened where they had to identify daily activities that they realize in his houses fomenting the auditory skill in the students, interacting with hisown companions of class and of an individual way opposite to the whole group, as well as also the oral skill where the teacher could denote activities in which the students had to exhibit opposite to the whole group of such a way in which they were losing the fear on having spoken the language and to interacting between them themselves without fear of being judged by someone
The promotion to the reflection after each of the activities and in the closings of his classes in order that the students know in order that it is necessary to learn English and where or in that sides of his daily life can use and practise it, elaborating royal situations that lead them to using the reflexive