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Preparaaación De Una Receta En Inglés

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September 20, 2012

Dear Maria:

Last month, I had the best experience in this year! It was my sister’s birthday. My mother and I wanted to give her a birthday cake. But we didn’t want to buy the cake so we made it. Anyway, I thought you would like to hear about how to make a cake.

First, we go to a supermarket and buy some ingredients which we need to make the cake. So we have to buy: two cups of sugar, two hundred fifty grams of butter without salt, six eggs, a vanilla essence spoonful, three wheat flour cups and a glass of milk. You also need some utensils such as a spoonful, a recipient etc. Make sure that you have all the ingredients which you need.

Next, when we have all the ingredients and utensils we can begin to prepare the cake. The first step is to beat the butter until gets creamy. Then, you have to add the sugar gradually. Now, you have to add the six eggs one by one. The next step is to add the essence as much as you want. Now, add the three wheat flour cups and mix them. All the process finishes adding some milk to the mixture.

Now, when we have already mixed all the ingredients, we are going to spread some butter and wheat flour on the recipient. Then you can pour the mixture into the recipient and take it to an oven during about forty five minutes at three hundred fifty degrees.

Finally, the last step: to see if the cake is done. You can do it inserting a toothpick or wooden skewer. When the cake is done you can take it in a cool area and let it cool. Moreover, if you want to decorate the cake you can do it. The cake was delicious and we gave it to my sister. In my house everyone of us ate a piece of it.

I hope you have enjoyed my story about how to make a cake, and I hope to see you soon. Please, tell me about your vacation.




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