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Challenge evidence 1. International Expansion

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CHALLENGE EVIDENCE 1. International Expansion

Global Business Opportunities

Paula Martínez Gómez


Professors:  Andrew Lee Davis Blake

Due Date:

7 de Abril del  2022


The study of the different options for countries and market entries is fundamental for any business that has the purpose to expand and entry new markets. By investigating different country options, we reached the best decision, which consisted of 3 countries that we consider very good for E+ki to enter, since the regulations fitted E+ki's possibilities and the business fitted the countries and the culture as well.

A study of different factor (PESTLE) is necessary to understand the things that affect the product automatically when entering a new country. Therefore, after analyzing the political,

economic, social, technological, legal, and ecological factors that we considered the most important for E+ki, we concluded that Australia, China, and India are good options for countries that E+ki could enter, given that the three are very important. The reasons why we choose these countries were analyzed. First, we choose Australia because it has a good regulatory environment, it has a strong economy, and it is relatively easy to set up a business. Second, China changes rapidly, it has increased consumer spending and open business environment. And lastly, India offers a good combination of an opportunity to enter a thriving domestic market, plus consumption of sauces is high, it has an expanding economy and a lucrative market. The PESTEL presented shows the study of the different factors considered for our final decision.

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  1. What have you learned by doing this integrative evidence?

What I learned mainly throughout this evidence is based firstly on the fact that I worked with various very advanced, concrete and specific sources of information that provided me with information on the indicators of the countries that I had to investigate, in addition to the fact that these sources of information offer you the complete report on the country you want and you can apply different filters to eliminate or summarize the amount of relevant information. On the other hand, I learned about the importance of certain indicators since when investigating what they represented at a national or even international level, I realized that depending on the topic being investigated, these values ​​change, as well as their level of importance or impact. It was interesting to identify how there are so many areas and within them aspects to evaluate a Country and thanks to the strategies and tools provided in this evidence it will be much more dynamic and even easier to collect, analyze and present information in a reliable, secure, and updated way.

  1. What problems or difficulties did you have to overcome to complete your integrative evidence?

At the beginning of the evidence, I was very confused about the nature of the qualitative and quantitative factors, since I did not understand how to describe or expose in a concrete and clear way the values, mainly of the qualitative indicators, because to expose the quantitative values ​​it was easy to find the percentages and amounts required.

Another difficulty when carrying out the evidence was having to give a weighting or qualification to the indicators (Political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal) since I did not know what to base myself on or to justify that some indicator was less important than the another, so I had to focus strictly on what went hand in hand with the topic that was being worked on, in this way some values ​​were easier to qualify and at the same time I was able to discriminate a little more against the indicators that went into the background .


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