- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  11 de Junio de 2013  •  835 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  215 Visitas

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The name MICHOACAN comes from náhuatl and means” place of the fishermen,” referring to those who fish on lake patzcuaro.

Michoacán is home to the volcano Paricutin. It appeared as a small eruption of gas and rock in middle of a farmer´s field on February 20, 1943. Within a week´s time, the volcano was as tall as a five-story building, and after a year, it had grown to be more than 300 meters high. In the process, it completely swallowed the villages of Paricutin and San Juan parangaricutiro!

Mining is a leading industry: gold and silver are the most important, but iron, coal, and zinc are also abundant.

Every year between the months of October and March, approximately 20 million monarch butterflies migrate to Michoacán from all over North America, traveling up to 3,000 kilometers to spend the winter in the mountains.The name MICHOACAN comes from náhuatl and means” place of the fishermen,” referring to those who fish on lake patzcuaro.

Michoacán is home to the volcano Paricutin. It appeared as a small eruption of gas and rock in middle of a farmer´s field on February 20, 1943. Within a week´s time, the volcano was as tall as a five-story building, and after a year, it had grown to be more than 300 meters high. In the process, it completely swallowed the villages of Paricutin and San Juan parangaricutiro!

Mining is a leading industry: gold and silver are the most important, but iron, coal, and zinc are also abundant.

Every year between the months of October and March, approximately 20 million monarch butterflies migrate to Michoacán from all over North America, traveling up to 3,000 kilometers to spend the winter in the mountains.

The name MICHOACAN comes from náhuatl and means” place of the fishermen,” referring to those who fish on lake patzcuaro.

Michoacán is home to the volcano Paricutin. It appeared as a small eruption of gas and rock in middle of a farmer´s field on February 20, 1943. Within a week´s time, the volcano was as tall as a five-story building, and after a year, it had grown to be more than 300 meters high. In the process, it completely swallowed the villages of Paricutin and San Juan parangaricutiro!

Mining is a leading industry: gold and silver are the most important, but iron, coal, and zinc are also abundant.

Every year between the months of October and March, approximately 20 million monarch butterflies migrate to Michoacán from all over North America, traveling up to 3,000 kilometers to spend the winter in the mountains.The name MICHOACAN comes from náhuatl and means” place of the fishermen,” referring to those who fish on lake patzcuaro.

Michoacán is home to the volcano Paricutin. It appeared as a small eruption of gas and rock in middle of a farmer´s field on February 20, 1943. Within a week´s time, the volcano was as tall as a five-story building, and after a year, it had grown to be


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