- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

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Enviado por   •  11 de Junio de 2015  •  1.320 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  178 Visitas

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2.1. The problem

The main problem of this enterprise is that it is an American and west European company in an west Indies region. The racial problem is obvious. The man who is wanted to come in the front of this Barracania branch, Rennalls, has a lot of political influence ' by being the son of the minister of finance and economic planning ' and is also the most fit for the job ' studied at London University where he had taken first-class honors in the BSs engineering degree, but has only one defect, he is a local.

The person who must promote this young man is John Baker, an english expatriate who has been working in this domain for several years. The mistake made by Baker is huge. During the interview he insults Rennalls by saying that his people do not have as much experience in commerce as the europeans and the americans do.

2.2 Negative effects

The father of Rennalls occupies an extremely important position in the Government. He also felt offended by the words of Baker and has the power to stop the company’s activity in Barracania.

2.3 Causes

By wanting too much to connect with Rennalls and to find out about his racial consciousness, John Baker made some big mistakes.

The issue of the racial discrimination is extremely sensitive in this case.

Another cause of this conflict is the fact that Baker forgot about the position that Rennalls father occupied and acted as a foreign that only tries to prove that Barracanians are inferior.

3. Alternative solution

Solution A

Mr. John Baker should remain in charge due to the rough discussion that determinate Mr. Rennalls to resign. This will not be accepted by the European, who by his culture would not consider himself guilty for the interview that went wrong. In this way, The Company will lose a great young becoming leader in terms of Rennalls who is extremely proud to recognize his mistakes.

-lost of a local skillful chief

-the oppose of Mr. Baker that would not want to remain in position.

Solution B

Mr. John Baker should right back a letter to Mr. Rennalls in order to rearranged diplomatic peace and get the Barracanian back. This will help the company who will earn back a skillful chief by his talent and also by his father’s position. The disadvantage of this solution is that the authority of Mr. Baker will decrease enormously due to the fact that the gesture of Rennalls seemed to be as a smug react of the younger.

+in write should have a positive effect

+his father should appreciate that Mr. Baker sent him in person the letter

-the possibility of having a short deny letter or not having an answer at all

-could not see the real reaction face to face

-decrease of authority

Solution C

Mr. John Baker will write a letter to Mr. Rennalls, the minister of finance and economic planning in order to make himself understood that his last intention was to insult his son and by that all his culture.

+in write should have a positive effect

+his father should appreciate that Mr. Baker sent him in person the letter

-the possibility of having a short deny letter or not having an answer at all

-could not see the real reaction face to face

Solution D

Mr. John Baker should make an extraordinary meeting in same day with Rennalls and explain in a diplomatic way what he adopt the plus and minus strategy in order to evolve to a higher competitive standard.

+ the reaction is live, face to face

+they both should adopt a diplomatic way, like they were used to

-decrease in authority for Mr. Baker, that by no means insult him

4. Optimal Solution

The optimal solution would be Solution D: Mr. John Baker should make an extraordinary meeting in same day with Rennalls and explain in a diplomatic way what he adopt the plus and minus strategy in order to evolve to a higher competitive standard.

Comparison: Optimal Solution versus Solution A


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