- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Consejos para materiales didácticos en enseñanza del inglés

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Materiales didácticos para clase de lengua inglesa[pic 1]


Why is it important we know about approach, method and technique?

At the beginning of language teaching there were not many information regarding language teaching and learning. Many of the first EFL teachers and students must have worked in situations were many aspects of language were still blurred. That is why by understanding the concepts of: approach, method and technique, teachers from nowadays are successful in language teaching.

On one hand, we have that at the very start of language teaching these three basic concepts were unknown and therefore traditional principles or general ideas of where used instead. [pic 2]

Pag 18

The previous extract demonstrates that taking into account the realities of a classroom is not enough to produce a significant learning experience.

On the other hand, thanks to profound research that has taken place over the past century we are capable of entering into deeper aspects of language teaching and learning. This allows us to have a more analytic perspective of the decisions we need to make in order to have a successful class and course. According to (book and author) in Anthony´s model:[pic 3]

This last extract demonstrates how clearly an approach and method are related to the teacher and the learner´s roles and in the material.

To conclude, being a language teacher in the twenty-first century is not an easy task and for this reason we need to be aware of the differences and relations between approach, method and technique. This provides awareness of our attitudes as teachers in order to have a successful teaching experience.

Bibliography: Richards, J. C. and Rodgers, T. (2001). Approaches and         methods in language teaching. Cambridge:         Cambridge         University Press.

Copia de material auténtico con una breve explicación (180-200 palabras) de su uso en clase. ¿Para quién, para qué y cómo usarlo?

[pic 4]

Resumen (200 palabras) del artículo sobre “Material autentico”. “Effective ways to use authentic materials with ESL/EFL classroom” Kelly, Kelly and Vorland (2000)

Evaluación de un libro de texto de acuerdo a Shelton 1988 in Hedge, 2000.

Textbook Evaluation criteria according to (Sheldon 1988:242-5 in Hedge, T., 2000)


(Roy, 2008)

Roy, N. (2008). Straight forward. En R. Norris. Oxford: Mcmillan.

  • Workbook without key &CD pack
  • Workbook with key & CD pack
  • Teacher´s book (Including Teacher´s notes, photocopiable activities & two teacher´s resources CD´s.
  • Class CD´s


Why was it written? Gaps to fill? Needs analysis or classroom piloting? Objectives?

It was written for young adults and adults who are learning English. It does need class piloting.The objective is to reach a C1 level according to the European framework.


Easy to obtain? material for inspection? Easy contact with publisher?

It ´s easy to obtain because it is nor expensive ($300), it is worth the money. There is easy contact with the publisher because the book provides the publisher´s Zip code.

User definition

Clear specifications about the target age range, culture, etc? Language levels according to international standards? Speacialist knowledge as in ESP?

The specifications are clear, they are at the back of the book. The level is for C1 according to the European framework. It doesn´t say anything about ESP.

Layout / graphics

Mix of text and graphical material on each page? Artwork and typefaces functional? Colorful? Appealing?

Text and graphics are balanced on each page. Artwork and typefaces are functional ,it´s colorful and appealing.


Clearly organized? Monitor student’s progress? Indexes, vocabulary lists for the student to use the material easily? Adivice for the student how the book and its content could be most effectively exploited?

It´s organized and does contain a vocabulary list with auto evaluations but not all the answer keys. It has a CD-ROM with extra material to reinforce and a glossary (but not all the words are in here).It does not say how it can be exploited.


Units and exercise connect in terms of progression? Is the connection obvious? The textbook coheres with other books in a series?

Yes, there is connection in terms of progress and it is obvious. It coheres with other 4 books in a series.


Introduction, practice and recycling of new linguistic items shallow/steep enough for students? Linguistic inventory presented appropriate for your purposes?

It does not have a introduction. The linguistic inventory is presented appropriately and very clear, maybe this is why it does not contain an introduction.

Physical characterisitics

Space to write in the book? Robust? Too large? Too heavy? Spine labelled? Could be used more than once?

There is not enough space to answer. It light wight, spined labeled and can be used more than once.


Material substantial? interesting to hold attention? Right level of maturity and language? Topical?

It is substantial because it has different topics to hold ones attention. The language is mature enough for adults and young adults. The topics are relevant.


Content realistic, being  taken from L1 material  not initially intended for ELT purposes? Tasks exploit language in a communicative or “real world way”? If not, are the texts unnacceptably simplified or artificial?

Yes, it is authentic because at the end of the book it has the bibliography of each article or book extract. It makes the students feel in real situations. Mostly in the speaking section.


The book stands on its own? Only the student’s book or attendant aids be deployed?

It has a: teachers book (with answers), a students/work book and one CD-ROM. Enough  to stand on its own.

Cultural bias

Different appropriate religious and social environments in terms of topics/situations? Student´s expectations in regard to content, methodology, and format successfully accommodated? If not, would it be able to wean students away of their preconceived notions? Author´s sense of humor appropriate? enshrine stereotyped, innacurate, condescending or offensive images of gender, race, social class or nationality? accurate views of the USA or Britain presented? umcomfortable realities left out?

It shows a diversity of cultural backgrounds and genres. The students do feel motivated with expectations fulfilled. The sense of humor was accurate according to the Ss age and level. All comments are neutral. There is more information about Britain than from America. The realities are not left out because some units consist of crimes and sprawl cities.

Education validity

in tune with broader educational concerns ?

Yes. Because it allows the student to take a further preparation (level) to travel abroad


material intereactive? opportunities for the learner to use his or her English? material likely to be retained/remembered? allowance for revision? achievement tests? self-checks?

It contains an interactive section, which is great. Since the students talk about their lives and projects it is easy to retain. It does not have all the answer of the exercises.


accommodate the practical constraints the teacher deals with? demands on teacher´s preparation time and students' homework time? material exploited or modified? supplementary aids available?

Time isn´t a problem because the information is precise. There is no need to modify the material because is based on real life situations and topics.Suplementary aids are available on the CD-ROM  allowing the students to practice all the abilities. Time  is not a problem if the work book is done at home.


teacher´s notes useful and explicit? inordinated delay between the publication of the student´s and teacher´s books? advice about supplementing the coursebook? present the lessons in different ways? too much 'hand-holding'? answer keys, notes, lesson summaries in the teacher´s book? allowance for the perspective on non-native teachers of English?

Since I do not have the teacher´s book I cannot say yes or no. Mc Millan offers a dictionary for complementary learning.The lessons are presented in different ways because they work on different skills in each unit. The abswers are only in the teacher´s book and in the CD-ROM.


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