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IATA Cargo Introductory Course

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IATA Cargo Introductory Course (日本語手引書)

いつ勉強開始するの? いまでしょ!

IATA教材は全て英語にて作成されていますので、重要な項目に対して日本語解説を入れ込んだ手引書を作成しました。   この手引書を利用してIATA教材が到着しましたら、直ぐに勉強を始めてください。

一般社団法人 航空貨物運送協会



             基礎コース 手引書

                - 目次 -

Module1 Industry Regulations P 1  ICAO, National Aviation Authorities, IATA, FIATA等


Module2 The Air Cargo Agency P 3



Module3 World Geography P 6 IATA code, 時差, 飛行時間等の計算方法

Module4 Use of Guides P 10

 Air Cargo Guide (OAG)の使用方法

Module5 Aircraft P 12 航空貨物輸送で使用する航空機及び搭載の条件等

Module6 Handling Facilities P 15

各国際空港での取扱い規則 (国別情報)

Module7 Air Cargo Acceptance P 16


Module8 Cargo Booking Procedures P 21 貨物予約方法・搭載優先品目

Module9 Cargo Automation P 23


      ( EDI, SITA, CCS, Cargo2000, E-Freight, e-AWB)

Module10 Air Cargo Rates & Charges P 25 運賃、料金に係わる規則、計算方法

Module11 The Air Waybill     P 49


(参考)専門用語 P 51



1. ICAO  [ International Civil Aviation Organization ]  国際民間航空機関

- is a specialized agency of the United Nations Text P6


- is composed of representatives from the contracted states.

*条約批准国の代表で構成   条約:シカゴ条約(国際民間航空条約)

⋆Senior members of National Aviation Authorities represent their countries

at ICAO meetings. 代表する

2.NAA [ National Aviation Authorities ] 航空を所轄する官庁  Text P7


-National aircraft registration, Aircraft safety and security, etc.

3.IATA [ International Air Transport Association ] 国際航空運送協会 Text P9

- was founded in 1945.

- is a voluntary non-political association which represents Member Airlines

- composed of Representatives from IATA member airlines.

1) IATA’s mission :

To represent, lead, and serve the airline industry.

2) IATA主要な組織 ☞教材を熟読 Text P11-24

① ITDI [ IATA Training and Development Institute ]    Cargo agents training, etc

② IDFS [ Industry Distribution and Financial Services ]

③ CAC [ Cargo Agency Conference ]

CAC is composed of Representatives from IATA member airline. *構成する Publication ; Cargo Agents Handbook           

④ CASS [ Cargo accounts Settlement System ]

simplify the reporting of cargo sales and settling of accounts   *簡素化する

between cargo agents and carriers

(1) CASS – Export advantages : Centralization of error handling


(2) CASS – Import

⑤ CSC [ Cargo services Conference ]

 Exchange industry information 航空業界に係わる情報交換

(1) The primary objectives

a.Setting standards for cargo industry procedures

b.Developing common industry position on broad cargo services issues

c.Providing direction and guidance to the permanent subgroups

(3) The subgroup of CSC : ULD Panel etc.

(3) Publications

3) IATA Cargo Priorities : 優先項目 重 要 Text P25

* Cargo Safety / Cargo Security / Cargo Environment

   安全      保安        環境保全

* Modernization of agency program, etc

*最新化= updating

4.FIATA [ International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association ] Text P29 - 31


- was founded in Vienna in 1926.

- Members : national freight forwarder associations & Individual forwarding firms

*FIATA’s main objectives : 5項目

*FIATA’s Air Freight Institute

Module 2 The Air Cargo Agency


1.IATA Cargo Agent   IATA航空貨物代理店  (port to port) TextP39

1) 役割:

2) 資格要件 Text P40

To become an IATA Cargo Agent,

the applicant must provide evidence of *financial resources 財務上の資金力

*qualified staff    適格な (資質を備えた)スタッフ

*adequate facilities  相応しい貨物取扱施設

3) 権利・義務 (6項目)

The rights and obligations of an IATA Cargo Agent are published in IATA Cargo Agents Handbook.

☞教材参照 Text P41

*The IATA Cargo Agents receive


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