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Investigate In Our Labor Law How It Is Given Solutions To The Following Actions Within The Employment Relationship.

Enviado por   •  23 de Septiembre de 2014  •  1.481 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  428 Visitas

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Investigate in our labor law how it is given solutions to the following actions within the employment relationship.

1.-What are some examples of workplace harassment?


Groping, pinching, patting, squeezing or rubbing deliberate

Leering with sexual overtones

Homophobic comments, gestures with a sexual connotation, winks


Making sexual comments,

Telling jokes of a sexual nature or inquire about erotic fantasies

2.-Is it illegal to be harassed because I complain about job discrimination?

Yes. The laws enforced protect you from being harassed because you report discrimination to someone at your company or to your parents, your teacher, or another trusted adult. We refer to this as your right to be protected from retaliation.

3.-What should I do if I am harassed by a manager, co-worker, or other person in my workplace?

If you are being harassed at work, you have a responsibility to tell your employer. Find out if your company has a policy on harassment. The policy should tell you who in your company is responsible for handling harassment issues. Once your employer knows that you are being harassed, it has a responsibility to correct the situation and protect you from further harassment. If that doesn’t work you must seek support from representatives / shop stewards, members of his family, friends and colleagues.

4.- What can I do if I witness workplace harassment?

if you witness workplace harassment, you should tell your employer. You also can tell the harasser that his or her behavior is not funny and must stop. Also you must talk with the person is been harassment and give him or her support and encouraged her or him to report harassment

5.- What will my employer do if I report harassment?

Once your employer knows that you are being harassed, it has a responsibility to correct the situation and protect you from further harassment. Your employer should promptly and thoroughly investigate your claim. This may mean that your employer will interview you, the harasser, and any other witnesses. If your employer determines that you were harassed, it should take steps to stop the behavior from continuing, such as transferring the harasser to another location. Your employer also must make sure that you are not punished, treated differently, or harassed for reporting harassment.

6. - What can happen to me if I harass others at work?

Verbal or written warning; counseling; transfer to another location or job; suspension; or termination.

7. - Is all workplace harassment illegal?

No, not all workplace harassment is illegal. The laws enforced do not prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that are not very serious.

8. - Does harassment have to occur at work for it to be illegal?

No. Federal law protects you from job discrimination and harassment, whether it occurs on or off the work site.

9.- Is it illegal for someone to discriminate against or harass certain people, but not others?

Yes. It is illegal for someone to harass a sub-set of a protected group.

10.- Is it illegal for someone to harass another person who is the same sex, race, color, national origin, or religion or who has the same disability?

Yes. It is illegal for people to harass others of their own sex, religion, race, color, national origin, or religion.

11.- Is it illegal to be harassed because of two prohibited reasons, like your sex and race?

Yes. It is illegal to discriminate because of the combination of two protected categories, like your national origin or religion

12.- Am I protected from workplace harassment if the harasser is not my supervisor?

The laws enforced protect you from being harassed by anyone in your workplace.

13.- What if I am harassed at work because I am male or female, but the conduct is not sexual in nature?

Gender-based harassment, i.e. conduct that is not sexual in nature, but is based on the gender of the individual employee, is also unlawful

14.- Are men protected from sex harassment?

Yes. Both men and women are protected from workplace harassment on the basis of sex.

15.- Is it sexual harassment if someone I used to date won't leave me alone at work?

If the person persists in seeking to continue the relationship or in making sexual advances or comments to you, you may have a potential claim for sexual harassment.

16.- Am I protected if I am discriminated against or harassed because of my sexual orientation?

While federal law does not prohibit discrimination or harassment based on sexual orientation, it does prohibit same sex harassment. In addition, some state and local laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.


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