- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Practica escolar de Ingles

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English Department                                                                                      2nd   Grade Section A B C D E F G        [pic 1]

Primary Level[pic 2]

NAME: ________________________________________________________                      KEY: 

Tara and Tiree

Review 1

Part I:  Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

  1. I play with my _________________ every day.

                     family                                    break                             listen

  1. John talked to Sofi only ______________.

pull                              once                             heard

  1. My brothers and I ________________ the boxes.

break                             listen                              pull

  1. My parents _____________ to music.

listen                          family                                 once

  1. Michael  _____________ the glass.

 once                        break                          family

  1. We bought a new _________________ to my dog with his name.

collar                        brave                                slipped

  1. Tara and Tiree were _______________ to help Jim.

collar                        brave                                slipped

  1. There was a banana on the floor, I _______________.

collar                        brave                                slipped

Part II: 

Verb to be:   Circle “C” if the sentence is correct or “I” if the sentence is incorrect.

  1. I am happy?                                                        C         I
  1. Am I happy?                                                        C         I
  1. Is Tara smart?                                                        C        I
  1. Tara is smart?                                                        C        I
  1. Is Tiree a good friend?                                        C        I

Part III 

Verb to be: Fill in the blacks with the appropriate WH question word.

[pic 3]

  1. To ask about things, we use ___________________
  1. To ask about a place, we use _________________
  1. To ask about a reason, , we use _______________
  1. To ask about a person or people, we use _______________
  1. To ask about manner, we use ___________________

PART IV: Write 5 WH questions.

  1. Sammy is a dog.

Who _____________________________________________________________________

  1. There is a pencil.


  1. We have a game tomorrow.


  1. Jim is happy.

How ____________________________________________________________________

  1. Tara and Tiree are in the house.


PART V: Complete the lotus with the corresponding information of the story.


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