- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

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Documentos 310.201 - 310.275 de 855.594

  • Engaño, fraude o mentira

    BEAUTYROSESegún el diccionario de la Real Academia Española, falacia.- (Del lat. fallacĭa). 1. f. Engaño, fraude o mentira con que se intenta dañar a alguien. 2. f. Hábito de emplear falsedades en daño ajeno. 1. Noción de falacia 'Falacia' deriva del latín ‘fallacia’, que quiere decir engaño, fraude o mentira

  • Engaño, Traición, Deshonestidad y Deslealtad.

    carlosmonzondjEngaño, Traición, Deshonestidad y Deslealtad. Podemos vivir sin engañar? Sin ser engañados? , ser leal, o rodearnos de personas desleales a sus valores?, particularmente y en una percepción muy periférica puedo decir que no, y esto se debe a que estamos en una sociedad con gran tendencia a estar siempre

  • Engaste En Joyas

    lo15ENGASTE DE JOYAS 1. DEFINICIÒN Según la real academia, una joya es una pieza de oro, plata o platino, con piedras o perlas preciosas o sin ellas, que sirven para el adorno de las personas, especialmente mujeres. Si pensamos que engastar es sujetar una piedra preciosa a una pieza de

  • Engel, Kollat Y Blackweel

    xkanonballxSCHIFFMAN Según Schiffman (el comportamiento del consumidor se define como “la conducta que los consumidores tienen cuando buscan, compran, usan, evalúan y eliminan productos, servicios e ideas, que esperan que satisfagan sus necesidades". El estudio del comportamiento del consumidor tiene que ver no solo con lo que los consumidores compran,

  • Engels

    engel.thonyDesde los orígenes de la vida, la humanidad ha sentido la necesidad de satisfacer una serie de carencias, las cuales algunas crecieron como otras se han cubierto con el paso del tiempo; entre dichas necesidades se puede citar la comunicación, convivencia, recreación, organización, promoción, producción de un bien o servicio.

  • Engels Y Marx

    RockinCatFerEngels y Marx La historia de la humanidad es la lucha constante de las clases sociales. Marx y la onceava tesis sobre Feuerbach El problema del pensamiento humano no es teórico sino practico, la vida social en esencia practica. Los filósofos no han hecho más que interpretar de diversos modos

  • Engels.

    sheynniSegún Engels, gracias al trabajo se pudo dar la evolución del mono al hombre, pues el hecho de comenzar a emplear las manos en tareas fáciles en vez de caminar con ellas, hace que el mono como tal empiece a sentir diversas necesidades, de tal manera que el hombre evoluciona

  • Engineer in a social sector

    Engineer in a social sector

    HectorFitchHow does and engineer develop the entrepreneurship and the innovation in a social sector? To offer a possible alternative the first thing we have to know are the concepts of what social innovation and entrepreneurship means. “The social innovation can be defined as the development and implementation of new ideas

  • Engineering progress.

    Engineering progress.

    geneortegacv2Engineering progress Engineering today is very advanced thanks to science, architecture and graphic and structural design have collaborated in advancing it. When we look at the civil engineering talking about breakthroughs because of the many innovations that make working engineers so they do their work more efficiently. in recent years

  • Enginyeria Genètica

    annie_ledeÉs el conjunt de tècniques i estratègies que s’utilitzen per a realitzar combinacions de noves del material hereditari (modificar gens). El 1953 es va descobrir el fenomen anomenat de restricció: certs fags que parasiten una enterobactèria podien desenvolupar-se en certes soques d'aquest bacteri, però no podien fer-ho en altres. A

  • ENGL 153 Advanced Communicative English Workshop 3

    wilfontanezENGL 153 Advanced Communicative English Workshop 3 The Best Vacation I Ever Had Information Expository Essay by: Will. Fontánez Prof. Marta J. Dávila Pérez, Ed. D Visit and read. Expository Essay • The function of the expository essay is to explain, or to acquaint your reader with a body of

  • England Practical work 2

    dariossQuestionnaire Practical work 2 1- Which is the geographical location of the UK? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a sovereign state located off the north-western coast of continental Europe. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that shares a land border with another


    957728501aprendiz debe escuchar y unir la imagen con la actividad correcta, como aparece a continuación: Now, turn on your speakers or put on your headphones. Then, click on the audio buttons, listen to the activities, and match them with the images below. You only have one minute! Persona cenando Persona


    CRISTIAN1682ENGLISH 1. Talk about your duties as a university student. Explain why you have to do so. Do you agree? What happens if you don’t do it? I’m going to talk about my duties in the university, I have to obligation to attend class at the stipulated time, the cell

  • English

    diegoapaulGood afternoon teacher today I going to talk about the Travel Problems by cars. When we travel by car there are some engine problems or difficulties with others systems. When we ran out of petrol. If there is a petrol station near we don't problem but if there isn't we'll

  • English

    bebamarinaB) Circle answer. 1) Where do you buy clothing? a) a supermarket b) a clothing store c) a pharmacy 2) Where do you buy medicine? a) a shoe store b) a clothing store c) a pharmacy D) Bubble in the correct answer. 1. Do you buy clothes at the supermarket?

  • English


    Jordan Rdgz PDe qué trata el Test My daily life activities? A continuación les presento los puntos importantes del Test. Pregunta 1 10 puntos Hay una lista de 10 preguntas a la izquierda que Uds. deben casar con la respuesta correcta que encuentran en una columna a la derecha. Cómo? Al inicio

  • English


    ellekkkkWhen she began the sexy girl phenomenon the queen teenager of course she is the first the boyfriend she going i am oh baby please and that video music world actually perfume the group happen because and do it because some people because the song a little ok represent how



    riparac2I. Complete the sentences with the correct word from the list. 1. Jack is Andy’s -----------------------------------------. 2. Carla is Pete’s -----------------------------------------. 3. Tom and Lucy are Ann’s -------------------------------------. 4. Carla and Pete are Jane’s -----------------------------------. 5. Tom is Mary’s -----------------------------------------. 6. Suzan is Jane’s -----------------------------------------. 7. Mary is Pete’s -----------------------------------------.

  • English


    Kirby KnightIn this essay, we will talk about Marxism and social situations (classes) in America. The word class is derived from the latin classes, of calare, call, summoning Greek kaleis makes equal sense, used to refer to each of the groups in which the Roman censors distributed to citizens according to

  • English


    angelesjarpa Get dressed Read a book Wash face Wash hands Resultado de imagen para peinar el pelo dibujo Take trash out Comb hair Have breakfast Brush teeth Resultado de imagen para sunny para colorear Resultado de imagen para dress dibujo Resultado

  • English


    angelesjarpa Get dressed Read a book Wash face Wash hands Resultado de imagen para peinar el pelo dibujo Take trash out Comb hair Have breakfast Brush teeth Resultado de imagen para sunny para colorear Resultado de imagen para dress dibujo Resultado

  • English "¡Un ángel!"

    English "¡Un ángel!"

    MrcruzBolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Ministry of Popular Power for Education. Educational Unit “María Teresa del Toro” School. 4th Year, section “B”. Subject: English. TRANSLATION. Teacher: Student: Granados, Jogly. Cruz, Isbhery #4. Ocumare del Tuy, November 06, 2020. From the first moment I saw her, "An angel!" I said to myself,

  • English - Debate

    samantha_cuellarGeorge Washington On April 30, 1789, George Washington, standing on the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York, took his oath of office as the first President of the United States. "As the first of everything, in our situation will serve to establish a Precedent," he wrote

  • English 1

    georgina24UNIT 0-TASK 1 I. Write a paragraph Introducing yourself Hello, my name is… My name is Santa Medrano live in my Almirante l's military occupation I have 26 years old I have couple, clinical psychology student I am from Duvergé II. EXERCISE B. PAGE P1: Write 1 short conversations where

  • English 1

    English 1

    Alejandro PerezENGLISH I ACTIVIDAD DE APLICACION STAGE 1 “PLAGS AND NATIONALITIES COMPETENCIES 4 AND 8 ________________ 1. Look at the following map and write on in the name of at least five countries you know. 1. Mexican. 2. Russia 3. Canada 4. China 5. Brazil 1. Now, look at the following

  • English 1 - Writing_Assignment_Activity 7,

    marthahu79English 1 -Activity 7 Writing Assignment Presented by: MARTHA ISABEL HULE POLANCO Code 25454503 A: JULIAN ALBERTO RICO UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA Belalcázar, November 2013 Stage 1 Personal Presentation Hello, my name is Martha Isabel Polanco Hule, I am 34 years old and I am married and I


    yas8110rBe 1. Complete the text with am, is and are 2. Draw a picture of your family. Talk about it to your partner. My family we are four: This my mother, she is called Maria The name of my father is Manuel My son is Bryan, has thirteen years old

  • English 2

    zappitaBibliografía McCarthy, M. Touchstone, Full contact 3. Cambridge. Tec Milenio. (s.f.). Recuperado el 19 de 02 de 2014, de Objective In the next activity, I trying to explain, what a man wants from a woman, so intellectual, physical and sentimental, is using the adjectives of personality, and adverbs. Procedure



    davidadm900MAESTRA: ALE LOPEZ. FUENTE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING ENGLISH 3 SIXTH EDITION GRAMMAR IN CONTEXT 2 AUTOR: SANDRA N. ELBAUM ZERO CONDITIONAL 1. If I run, i get tired / Si yo corro, me canso 2. If I don’t eat, I die. / Si no como, me muero. 3. Water becomes


    giaokehelPuntos: --/1 GRAMMAR SECTION UNIT 4 : Gerunds Choose the correct option: • Where can you find these advertisement? Seleccione una respuesta. a. in a highway b. in the country c. in a hospital d. on the road 2 Puntos: --/1 LISTENING SECTION Unit 6 : Simple Past Answer the

  • English 5

    qwert11Procedure: 1. I studied Topic #3 on Blackboard. 2. I read the instructions for the activity. 3. I answered the exercise about correct tenses (past, present, future) 4. I wrote a conclusion about my learning experience. Results: Change the following sentences to the tense indicated in parenthesis at the end

  • English Act de adquisicion.

    English Act de adquisicion.

    Luis Elizabeth Hernandez1. Etapa en el método científico en el que se recopilan los datos y se realizan para buscar posibles soluciones R: 1. El objeto del estudio de la materia es la química. ¿Qué aspectos de la materia estudia la quimica? R: 1. ¿Es la etapa principal del método científico ya

  • English Activities

    pplumanA description of the target group (number of students, age, level, special needs, nationality, mother tongue …). The school is located in a village in the province of Alicante. Families have a medium - low economic level. The group class consists of 25 students (10 girls and 15 boys). The



    fanny2104ENGLISH ACTIVITIES. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES 1) Zero Conditional. Write Present Simple in the blanks. a) If you ………………PRESS…………….. (press) that button, ………………RING BELL……? (the bell / ring). b) If I …………FEEL………………….. (feel) tired, I ………………TO BED EARLY…………….. (go) to bed early. c) We …………DON’T HAVE………………….. (not have) a lesson if our

  • English Activity

    norelaleACTIVITY # 1 Search on the web the next video “the power of teamwork” The video shows three different groups of animals. The student has to: • Describe situations in which each group of animals (three lines for each group, in all nine lines) is involved. • Determine, what is

  • English Activity No. 1 Forecasting.

    English Activity No. 1 Forecasting.

    Francisco Javier Hernandez English Activity No. 1 Forecasting Elabore una simulación pronóstica de la demanda del producto o servicio según su proyecto de formación. Speedway SAS es una empresa colombiana. Ofrece el servicio de entrega de documentos y mercancías nacional e internacional, el servicio se ofrece inicialmente en las principales ciudades. Cuenta

  • English activity.

    English activity.


  • English and Civics and Ethics.

    sedewedSubject: English and Civics and Ethics. Name of the teacher: CFP and CVA. Student Name: BMLP. Grade and group: 3 ° “H “. Hi I just came to this country I call Antonio and I come from France, I heard since I arrived heard anything about the day of dead,

  • English business

    English business

    albertobraDatos del Curso Datos del Alumno Trabajo Final A continuación se adjunta el trabajo final que debes realizar correctamente para la obtención del título acreditativo del curso que estás realizando. Recuerda que el equipo de tutores está a tu completa disposición para cualquier duda que tengas a lo largo de


    elfo69ENGLISH CENTRAL VOWEL SOUNDS The central vowel is produced when the tongue is resting in a neutral position in the oral cavity. There are for central vowel sounds but they are represented by four symbols ([ᴧ], [ә], [ɝ], [ɚ]). The symbol used depends on whether or not the syllable with

  • English Class

    geminiscol06People, animals, and things do actions. When this happens, people, animals, and things are the subjects in a sentence. The actions sometimes affect other people, animals and things. The people, animals or things that are affected by the actions are the objects in a sentence: Subject Action Object I love

  • English Clauses

    English Clauses

    joereydelEnglish Grammar Clauses What is a clause? A clause is a part of a sentence. There are two main types: independent (main clauses), dependent (subordinate clauses). Independent Clauses An independent clause is a complete sentence; it contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought in both context and


    MashaEnglish Highway Videocast English Highway Episode 3 (# 320) KIM Welcome to my home. SARA Nice place, Kim. Is this your family? KIM Yes, that is my mom and that is my dad. That is my sister. SARA Is that your house? KIM No, it's not our house. It is


    vianneyr.pENGLISH CONVERSATION RAYON ROMERO YOSEPH RUEDA PIEDRA ELIA VIANNEY GROUP: 332-V Yoseph: Hello Vianney How are you? Vianney: Hi Yoseph I'm very good and you? Yoseph: Fine thanks. I called you yesterday but you did not answer me. Vianney: Oh yes I checked the call but I forgot call you


    camaleon1004ENGLISH COURSE FOR TELESECUNDARIAS SCHOOLS. La idea de que las escuelas pueden construir una nueva sociedad es parecida a la idea de que el mundo sera redimido por los niños o que los niños de alguna manera salvaran a los adultos. Creo que ambas ideas son incorrectas. Nosotros no podemos

  • English definitions

    English definitions

    isarodmarHomework # 1 Workshop 1 Assignment to be completed before Workshop One 1. Give the definition for each vocabulary word: a. Journalist – noun - A person who writes for newspapers or magazines or prepares news to be broadcast on radio or television. Synonyms: reporter, correspondent, columnist, writer, commentator, reviewer

  • English Dialogue

    keylajEnglish Dialogue A. May i talk to Mr. _______________. Mr ____________ im home very sick. B. Ok Mr __________ have you go to the doctor. A. No Mr. ______________ i Havent go yet, but i wil go later. B. You should go check your self theres a powerful virus in

  • English Didactics

    drdree1979Do English classes need to be small in size and homogenous to allow effective learning? It is often thought by our population that the smaller the groups the better the students learn, size might help, but does it really help in every way of the learning process? That is one


    luisfer1258Usuario MARCO TULIO ARRIETA RODRIGUEZ Curso ENGLISH DOT WORKS LEVEL 1 - INGLÉS 1(745636) Prueba Creating My Profile Test - Level A1.1 Iniciado 17/05/14 12:16 PM Enviado 17/05/14 12:38 PM Estado Completado Puntuación 76 de 100 puntos Tiempo transcurrido 21 minutos. Instrucciones • Pregunta 1 2 de 2 puntos Anthony

  • English dot Works beginner

    English dot Works beginner

    LUIS ALEJANDRO ARCILA ZAPATAResumen o ACTA No. 2 Learning Activity 1 NOMBRE DEL COMITÉ O DE LA REUNIÓN- Sesión en línea No. 1 Bienvenida English dot Works beginner con ID 1316679 CIUDAD Y FECHA: Barranquilla 26 de octubre 2016 HORA DE INICIO: 2:30 pm HORA FIN: 3:30 pm LUGAR: AMBIENTE VIRTUAL BLACKBOARD DIRECCIÓN

  • English End

    danielconswagINTERMEDIATE II ENGLISH (PART 2) – REVIEW EXERCISES (1) (A) Grammar: The Simple Past of Irregular Verbs Complete the sentences by using the simple past form of the irregular verbs in parentheses. (a) He ___________________ (become) angry when I ____________________ (tell) him that he ___________________ (be) wrong. (b) She ________________

  • English Essay

    ZomliedPuritanism was a part of Protestantism. This culture had its origins in the post-Reformation England, during the reign of Elizabeth I of England. The central tenet of Puritanism was God's supreme authority over human affairs. Puritanism were a number of people who were expelled from England by religious intolerance, fleeing

  • English Essay

    melrashwebBottlenose Dolphins Bottlenose dolphin’s lives in different part of the worlds, they are different kind of dolphins which they also travel in large groups called pods which can be up to 20 or 30 dolphins. There has always been a saying that a dolphin can kill a shark, this all

  • English Essay

    Nicoparra16A COUNTRY THAT YOU SHOULD VISIT IN YOUR LIFE Do you want to experience paradise? Colombia is the place to be closest to heaven. Christopher Colon's land has jungles, deserts, majestic mountains, forest, exotic beaches in two oceans, diverse cultures and charming friendly people, I'm going to recommend you our

  • English Essay

    97sandraaThe reflection A young girl was babbysitting her little sister while her parents were having dinner outside. She put her sister into bed around half past ten, but she still got up watching tv. It was a cold winter night and she was lying on her sofa, that it is

  • English Essay About Indian Traditions

    lanasandiaThe country I chose for my final Project was the republic of India, also known as just India. India has a history and culture that goes back to almost six thousand years back. India’s capital is New Delhi and its government it’s a federal republic. Its currency is the Indian

  • English Exam

    English Exam

    rubemmName : _____________________________________ Date: ___________ Group : ______Grade :_____ READING COMPREHENSION 1. Read the story carefully: The wolfman is a werewolf : half man and half beast. The werewolf was first discovered in Transylvania. He is a normal human by day, and most nights. But when the moon is full,

  • English Exam 1 Bimester

    lupisriosibanez1ST BIMESTER ENGLISH EXAM NAME:__________________________________________________________ GRADE:______GROUP:_____ INSTRUCTIONS: LLENA LA SIGUIENTE TABLA CON TUS DATOS PERSONALES IMMIGRATION OFFICE FIRTS NAME:_________________________________________________________________ LAST NAME:__________________________________________________________________ AGE:_____________________ HOME ADDRESS:________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER:_______________________________________________________ OCCUPATION:_________________________________________________________________ COUNTRY:_____________________________ NATIONALITY:______________________ INSTRUCTIONS: CONTESTA T SI ES VERDAD O F SI ES FALSO 1) JENNIFER LOPEZ CAN’T SPEAK ENGLISH AND SPANISH __________ 2)

  • English Exam Para Quinto

    missquesadaLook and circle the correct option. ________ / 6 1. There are 8 spoons / knives. 4. There are 7 credit cards / menus. 2. There are 2 busboys / chefs. 5. There are 4 checks / tips. 3. There are 4 tablecloths / trays. 6. There are 3 knives

  • English excercises.

    English excercises.

    enzogarcia.mEnglish excercises A) Fill the blanks with one the 3 words (2 points each) 1. There is a tall ____________ in the garden · Fridge · Tree · Living Room 1. There's a flower in the __________________ · Chair · Bathroom · Garden 1. There is a cupboard in the

  • English file pre-intermediate

    English file pre-intermediate

    michelcmfSAN GABRIEL ENGLISH COLLEGE VIÑA DEL MAR English Department Complementary Reading Activity II Media Teacher: Miss Adriana D álbora Objective: To evaluate comprehension of a written text. 1. Write complete answers to the following questions.(20pts) 1. Why can’t the narrator say how,when,or where he met Ligeia? 2. How did the




  • English for maths

    English for maths

    Maya TaborgaINGLES PARA MAT./FIS. SEGUNDA PRUEBA PARCIAL STUDENT’S NAME: Maya Taborga Contreras…………….. VOCBULARY award = premio achievements = logros became = llegó a ser, se transformó bestseller = la cosa (generalmente un libro) más vendido o leído brief = breve colleage = colega develop = desarrollar device = dispositivo draw (part.

  • English For Weather Conditions

    pabloqgcfAnálisis del flujo lineal Horizontal El flujo lineal horizontal es un régimen de flujo el cual existe solo en pozos horizontales. Esto ocurre en la transición entre el flujo radial vertical y elíptico o régimen de flujo radial horizontal. El propósito del análisis de los datos del flujo lineal horizontal


    dinam1. Establecer un ejemplo de riesgo profesional, enfermedad profesional y accidente de trabajo en un sector industrial o económico específico. RIESGO PROFESIONAL: Alejandro Marquez trabaja en una empresa donde se manejan residuos peligrosos, sino cuenta con la debida protección como guantes, tapabocas, zapatos de seguridad, casco entre otros, puede estar


    piinSujeto, objeto, base y tasa del IVA En el primero y segundo párrafo del primer artículo de la LIVA pueden identificarsecon precisión los cuatro elementos esenciales del IVA: sujeto, objeto, base y tasa. 8 A continuación se presenta un cuadro en el que se muestra, en la columnaizquierda, el texto


    Olgarocio3Good morning, my name is Olga Rocio Moreno, I´m 47 years old and I´m living in Miami , Florida I´m studying Psychology, In my free time I´m going to the gym and take care of my garden. My youngest son and my husband live with me. My tutor´s name is

  • English Homework

    Wyath14Reading 1: A son writes... Last week I asked my Mum if I could go to a rock festival. `No', she said, `the music will be too loud ... there'll be crowds of people ... you won't know anybody ...’ These excuses were so lame I decided there was some

  • English Homework, Tarea de inglés

    English Homework, Tarea de inglés

    Joel Del HierroJoel Del Hierro 3ro “L” English Homework Write the topic sentence and the outline of the following topics: * Use of uniform in high school * Most middle school students are against the permanent use of a uniform, which creates a discomfort, suppression of the identity and monotony around the

  • English I worksheet: Preparation for exam.

    English I worksheet: Preparation for exam.

    carlos20001English I worksheet: Preparation for exam. I. Complete the following dialogue with a correct expression from the box. Not so well Fine See you tomorrow How are you That’s a good idea Bye How about you? Good morning Hello Take care Luisa: (1) ___________________ Richard. Richard: (2) ___________________ Luisa. (3)

  • English III

    glguzmancNATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY AND DISTANCE SCHOOL SCIENCE EDUCATION Instituto Virtual de Lenguas INVIL Programa Nacional de ingles INGLES III ASSIGNMENT 5 WRITING TEXT Individual contribution Code: 73577525 Tutor: Laura Fabiola Álvarez. Student: Oscar Alfonso Gutierrez Hurtado. Grupo: 90121_27 Cead Simon Bolivar – Cartagena. Colombia May 09/ 2015. The world has


    dyana.valeriano“The key to revitalizing a language is by moving a new generation of speakers” Actually, it is known that almost half of the languages around the world are endangered due to different things such as globalization. That is why lots of people are trying to stop this and revitalize these

  • English In My Mind

    chumisirri33I'm in love but.... </3 Once upon time A few mistakes ago I was in your sights You got me alone You found me You found me You bound me I guess you didn't care And I guess I liked that And when I fell hard You took a step

  • English In Use

    denise92TIEMPO VERBAL AFIRMACIÓN NEGACIÓN INTERROGACIÓN Present Simple They have a house (Ellos) tienen una casa They don’t have a house Do they have a house Present Continuous He’s studying now (Él) está estudiando ahora He isn’t studying now Is he studying now? Past Simple They watched a film (Ellos) vieron