- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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1. Leé el texto “Non pharmacological treatment for adult patients with functional constipation” (con ayuda de un diccionario para comprenderlo, si es necesario) y completá el siguiente texto con alguna de las palabras de la lista:

Study / symptoms / mean / chronic / trials / findings /

life / well / being / reviews / patients

Functional constipation (FC) is a common clinical condition without any specific physiological causes. The prevalence of constipation ranges from 0.7% to 81% around the world, whereas the prevalence of FC varies from 2.4% to 27.2%. The mean (1) prevalence of FC was reported to be 14% in a recent systematic review. FC is a chronic and refractory condition; a study (2) showed that 89% of patients with constipation still reported constipation during a mean follow-up period of 14.7 months. Constipation symptoms significantly reduce patients’ quality of life (3) (QOL), mentally and physically. Additionally, it is reported that constipation is related to a higher possibility of obesity. Direct cost of chronic (4) FC for each patient ranges from $1912 to $7522/year. Considering that FC makes a significant impact on QOL and influences physical and emotional¬¬¬¬ well-being (5), it should be considered as a major public health problem.

A number of therapies are used to manage constipation symptoms (6) for patients with FC, such as laxatives, selective 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4 (5-HT4) agonists, etc. Recent systematic reviews (7) reported that laxatives, prucalopride, lubiprostone and linaclotide are effective for managing FC compared with placebo; however, more events of diarrhea were reported. Similar findings (8) were made in several recent reviews that pharmacological therapies are effective for relieving constipation symptoms, but more adverse events happen in patients receiving these treatments. Traditional herbal medicine was reported to be helpful with less adverse events in the treatment of FC; however, recent reviews concluded that more trials with rigorous design are needed to confirm the effectiveness of traditional herbal medicine for FC.

Non-pharmacological therapies are popular among patients with FC; however, most of them lack supportive evidence. A systematic review reporting non-pharmacological treatments for paediatric constipation concluded that there is a lack of well-designed randomised-controlled trials (9) to verify whether these treatments are effective. Although several non-pharmacological therapies were claimed to be beneficial for patients with FC, most of them lacked supportive evidence. Therefore, we raised the following questions: are non-pharmacological therapies effective and efficacious for patients with FC?; if so, are non-pharmacological therapies safe for patients with FC? To answer these questions, we will conduct a systematic review of non-pharmacological therapies for patients (10) with FC, hoping to find the answers. In this article, we present a protocol for the systematic review.



1. Leé el texto “The effect of nutritional elements on the immune system” (con ayuda de un diccionario para comprenderlo, si es necesario) e interpretá/traducí al castellano las siguientes expresiones médicas, teniendo en cuenta cómo son ulilizadas en el texto de referencia:

Palabra Traducción

Ailments dolencias

Human beings Seres humanos

Damaging effects Efectos dañinos

Bodies Cuerpos

Thymus Timo

Spleen Bazo

Lymph nodes Ganglios linfáticos

Cells Células

Breakdown Desintegración

Harm Daño

Intake Ingesta

Research Investigación

Balance Equilibrio

Illness Enfermedad

Skin Piel

Threats Amenazas

Response Respuesta

Disease Patología

Die Morir

Milk Leche

Dairy products Productos lácteos

Egg Huevos

Food Alimento

Dangerous Peligroso

Spoilage Desperdicio

Chain Cadena

Feeding Alimentación

Cranberry Arándano

Flax seed Semilla de lino

Beans Porotos

Carrots Zanahorias

Tomatoes Tomates

Fruit Fruta

Tea Te

Wine Vino

Barley Cebada

Oat Avena

Growth Crecimiento

Sugar Azúcar

Starch Almidón

Amount Cantidad

Liver Hígado

Blood Sangre

Raw Crudo

Meat Carne

Breast cancer Cáncer de mama

Blood pressure Presión sanguinea

Wound Herida

Healing Cicatrización

Surgical Quirúrgico

Risk Riesgo

Intestinal injury Lesión intestinal

Bonemarrow Médula ósea

Flu Gripe

Yolk Yema de huevo

Bones Huevos

Platelets Plaquetas

Elderly Vejez

Hazelnut Avellana

Walnut Nuez

Iron Hierro

Bowel Intestino

Giblets Menudos

Whole wheat bre Pan integral



1. Complete the sentences. Look at B opposite (“Abstracts”) to help you.

a. The objetive is the aim or purpose of the research.

b. The setting is the location –the country, or part of a country (e.g. a hospital, school, etc.).

c. The subjects are the people that the researchers studied.

d. An outcomes is a result.

e. The design is the type of study, for example randomized controlled trial.

2. Answer the questions about the abstract in B opposite (“Abstracts”).

a. Who took part in the study?

Former Shell oil employees sho retired at age 55, 60, and 65 between january 1, 1973, and December 31, 2003.

b. What was the aim of the study?

Assess whether early retirement is associated with better suvival.

c. Where was it carried out?

Oil and Petrochemical Industry, United States.

d. What did they measure?

Hazard ratio of death adjusted for sex, year of entry to study, and socioeconomic status.

e. What type of study was it?

Long term prospective cohort study.

f. According to this study, does retiring early prolong life?


3. The sections of the abstract


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