- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Domestic Violence

Enviado por   •  1 de Junio de 2013  •  897 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  435 Visitas

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Flores Dina

Prof. Sean O´Connell

April 2 2013

Eng 102

Domestic Violence

Rosario Morales the author of "The Day It Happened" tells the story of a Latin couple, Josie a woman living daily physical and emotional abuse from her husband Ramon. This type of violence that she was living it is very difficult made visible to others. On this day, it is important for people to read stories such as this. “The Day It Happened” is a perfect example of the results and problems that an abusive partner can cause. Domestic violence is any form of abuse. It can be physical, psychological, financial or sexual. This abuse can affect people of any age, race, ethnicity, economic nivels and religion. The victim can not keep silent. The silent only permits that the abuse continues and cause countless damage. Damage that will affect the victim, family and friends members especially children. Children who grow up in that environment of violence could develop problems with drugs or alcohol. Even when they get to start a family can become in abusive person. The violence brings consequence that leads or can lead to death. As suicide, car accidents or provocation to fight with weapons. Also affect the health and life using drugs and alcohol to give us courage and forget the hell that is living in the home. For this reason must take into account that domestic violence is a problem that affects society in general. One big problem that has always existed, that occurs at home and perpetrated at least one family member.

Must keep in mind that the home is the primary place where learn to know, interact and solve the problems. For this reason the family plays an important role in the formation of people. "The love of family and the admiration of friends is much more important than wealth and privilege."(Kuralt) The family is the biggest pillar that should provide understanding, respect and love. With the love of family anyone can fight with many obstacles and could not exist any kind of problems or violence. Besides should take into account that people and couples are not the same. They have different views, beliefs and ways of doing things. These are differences that can cause conflicts. But those conflicts must be resolved through dialogue because the violence is not the best way to solve problems. Violence the only thing that brings are problems in the long or short term, problems that can affect the rest of the life. But in this story, Ramon and Josie, the husband managed their problems with the abuse. "Josie always looked great. She´s so cute. Small and plump with long lashes on her dark eyes and, get this, naturally curly air. She smiled a lot when she was happy.”(561) Her self-esteem was not yet lost. She tried to demonstrate to her family that her relationship with her husband there was no problem. While it was the opposite. Moments of insults,


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