- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

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Documentos 588.901 - 588.975 de 855.608

  • MV-U2 -Actividad integradora, fase III

    futurosterMV-U2 -Actividad integradora, fase III: Proponiendo soluciones para mi comunidad. Documento de Instrucciones para Fase III del proyecto integrador: El Gobernador de tu entidad ha convocado a una reunión con algunos representantes de los diversos ejidos, comunidades, municipios, delegaciones, rancherías, etc. que conforman tu estado, para discutir sobre qué es

  • MV-U2- Actividad 1. Aplicando Los Conceptos De Economía Global Mediante El Análisis De Noticias

    Gerardodiazmtz19I. Noticia Coloca aquí la noticia que elegiste para analizar. Si es de una fuente impresa debes escanearla y adjuntarla al cuestionario. Profeco detecta en casi $80 el kilo de limón en el norte del país México, 14 Mar. (Notimex).- La Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor (Profeco) detectó en casi 80

  • MV-U2- Actividad 1. Aplicando Los Conceptos De Economía Global Mediante El Análisis De Noticias

    andycabrera97I. Noticia Coloca aquí la noticia que elegiste para analizar. Si es de una fuente impresa debes escanearla y adjuntarla al cuestionario. Fuentes complementarias: II. Cuestionario Contesta las siguientes preguntas. 1. ¿Cuál es el problema o el tema central de la noticia? El tema central en

  • MV-U2- Actividad 1. Práctica De La Gramática Del Módulo V

    stern1) Forma 3 oraciones correctas usando los modales (de preferencia con “would”, pero se puede usar “could” una vez) para expresar preferencia. Subraya los modales. Ejemplos: It would like to swim today if the water is warm. John would enjoy making dinner for us. 1. I would like to go

  • MV-U2- Actividad 1. Práctica De La Gramática Del Módulo V

    vera715MV-U2- Actividad 1. Práctica de la gramática del Módulo V 1.- Forma 3 oraciones correctas usando los modales (de preferencia con “would”, pero se puede usar “could” una vez) para expresar preferencia. Subraya los modales. Ejemplos: It would like to swim today if the water is warm. John would enjoy

  • MV-U2- Actividad Integradora Fase 3. Ética Ambiental Aplicada

    primocharrasMV-U2- Actividad Integradora fase 3. Ética ambiental aplicada Evaluable Tipo de producto Tabla Evaluar y reflexionar sobre el impacto de hábitos nocivos que propiciamos en el medio ambiente, proponiendo alternativas que ayuden a minorar, erradicar y/o solucionarlos para la mejora de la comunidad y nuestro planeta. Individual Instrucciones: 1. Lee

  • MV-U2- Actividad Integradora Fase 3. Ética Ambiental Aplicada

    4327982MV-U2- Actividad Integradora fase 3. Ética ambiental aplicada Malos hábitos Posibles soluciones o buenos hábitos que ya se practican Generación de basura: 1. tirara basura en la calle 2.No separar la basura orgánica e inorgánica 3.dejar residuos de comida y envoltura en las áreas verdes (parque) 1. sancionar o multar

  • MV-U2-act2la importancia de los organelos celulares.

    josueyolo21INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO Y DE ESTUDIOS SUPERIORES DE MONTERREY CAMPUS ESTADO DE MÉXICO. Lenguaje y comunicación Actividad: MV-U2-act2la importancia de los organelos celulares. Nombre del alumno: Nombre del tutor: Matricula: Fecha:24/11/2015 ________________ La importancia de los lisosomas y las mitocondrias en los espermatozoides. Los lisosomas se dividen en dos: el lisosoma

  • MV-U2-Actividad 2. Lectura

    MV-U2-Actividad 2. Lectura Reading Comprehension Name: _ Abimael Ortiz Napoles _____________________________________ Instrucciones: 1. Lee el siguiente texto que narra una pequeña biografía. 2. Practica tu comprensión de lectura, evaluando como Falso o Verdadero algunos enunciados acerca del texto. Vocabulary: Stick-ball: se juega parecido a béisbol, pero con un palo muy

  • MV-U3- Actividad Integradora Fase IV

    thehero256Período de Miguel de la Madrid 1. ¿Recuerda cómo fueron las elecciones presidenciales entre López Portillo y Miguel de la Madrid, qué puede decir al respecto? López portillo fue mentor desde tres décadas atrás de miguel de la Madrid que lo nombro desde entonces su sucesor en los comicios de

  • MV-U3. Actividad 2. La ética Y Los Wikis

    zelenarodriguezDesnutrición WIKI: DESNUTRICIONQUIEROWIKIS: La desnutrición es una enfermedad causada por una __dieta__ inapropiada, __hipocalórica__ e hipo proteico. También puede ser causada por mala absorción de nutrientes como en la celiaquía. Tiene influencia en los factores sociales, psiquiátricos o simplemente patológicos. Ocurre principalmente entre individuos de bajos recursos y principalmente en

  • MVI- U1 Actividad 1. Quantities

    dhoserIntroducción: Expresiones de cantidad: Little /few /a lot of Recuerda que: - Little se utiliza para expresar cantidades pequeñas con sustantivos en singular: Examples: There is little traffic. (Hay poco tráfico) There is little pollution. (Hay poca contaminación) El verbo to be se utiliza en singular: There is little noise.

  • Mvs Televisones

    fabiolafragosoMVS Comunicaciones MVS Comunicaciones Tipo Sociedad Anónima Industria Telecomunicaciones Género Medios de comunicación masivos Fundación 1967 Fundador(es) Joaquín Vargas Gómez Sede Bandera de México Blvd. Manuel Avila Camacho No. 147, Chapultepec Morales, México, D. F., México Ámbito América Latina Presidente del Consejo Joaquín Vargas Guajardo Presidente Ernesto Vargas Guajardo Servicios

  • MVS-Carmen Aristegui, Ahora Un Litigio "mediático".

    gabyvalMVS-Carmen Aristegui, ahora un litigio “mediático”. Los ataques, las fintas amenazan con volver interminable el litigio en el cual enfrentan la periodista Carmen Aristegui y el grupo MVS. Pero mientras las cosas siguen lento en los tribunales, la prensa juega un papel importante que se quiere ver como definitorio. El

  • My Activities

    liza0127MY ACTIVITIES Monday to Friday my activities I get up at 4 am the fourth I prepare to go to study the Seine and go home at five-thirty. My class starts at six. I have breakfast at seven-forty. My school ends at eleven forty-five. I leave home at 0:30 aproximadamente.llego

  • My Baby My Angel

    yanillstephMy Baby, My Angel How can you fall in love with someone that you don’t even know, How can you give your life if is necessary for a little part of you growing in your belly. It was the most confusing day of my life, I had a lot of

  • My Beautiful House

    LiazsusoI have a beautiful contemporary house. It is composed by two floors and a big backyard. When you enter the house you can appreciate an artistic minimalist living room. The modern but comfortable furniture makes the perfect combination. Also it has a big kitchen, with a good space to eat


    heidy8610AMOR EN VEZ DE PERFECCIÓN En una pequeña ciudad del interior, había una congregación cristiana. Era una congregación pequeña con dos ancianos y unos 50 publicadores, pero aun siendo una de las menores congregaciones de su región, era una congregación celosa, que producía hábilmente sobre su territorio, muchos estudiaban, había

  • My Best Friend

    abrahamstkMy best friend is the first person who comes in bad times. There are lots of people who you make friendship, but it is very hard to find a true and honest friend. I am very lucky that I have a best friend with who I can share my feelings.

  • My Best Friend

    rivas121My My name is Garley and my surname is Rodriguez Panal. I'm forty six years old. I was born in Toledo. I have studied Financial Controller in Granada, a city in the south Spain and now I’m working in an aeronautical factory. I have married and divorced time ago, although


    AlbeiroHenaorking person, isn’t she? A) Complete the sentences with some, any, much, many, little, few, neither, both, none or all. 1. A: Would you like ………………….. coffee? B: Yes, please. 2. I’ve got a ………………….. books upstairs that might interest you. 3. ………………….. Norway nor Finland belong to the European

  • My City Forum

    cojauThree times a week I stay at school in the afternoon because I have football training (on Mondays and Thursdays) and on Fridays I have Music Club. I have lunch at the school canteen and then I go to our library and I do my homework. After my extracurricular activities

  • My City Medellin

    AVEFENIX955Medellín Eternal spring Industrial and commercial center of fashion and place of eternal spring, medellín capital that is, the second largest city in Colombia. Medellin, an attractive city not only for its commercial and industrial activity, but also for its lively cultural life represented in museums and sculptures are not

  • My City Tuxtla

    merryanTuxtla Gutierrez is a capital of the Mexican state of Chiapas and the most urbanized, more popular and important of state. This city began as a village in the foothill’s Mactumatzá. In 1486 and 1505, the Aztecs began a war with a small army and attacked the settlement,destroyed Coyatoc and

  • My Cousin Vinny

    taty87Mickey Haller (Matthew McConaughey) es un joven abogado criminalista que dirige su negocio de abogacía desde el asiento trasero de su coche Lincoln, con el que recorre las calles de Los Ángeles. Entre su clientela figura gente de todo tipo. Desde motoristas a artistas, pasando por conductores borrachos o traficantes

  • My Cousin Vinny

    pascuchiMi primo Vinny 13 de marzo de 1992 Esta película nos muestra la importancia de la preparación y conocimiento que debemos de tener los abogados para poder llevar a cabo una buena defensa o en su defecto una fundada acusación y sobre todo el papel que desempeña un juez, dentro

  • My Daily Routine

    SANDRITASSSMY DAILY ROUTINE My daily rutine is as following: First, I get up at four o'clock, then, I always take a shower and I get dressed, then, I clean the house, after that, I put on makeup, and I brush my hair, then, I listen to the radio, and I


    jlvalenciaa1) MY DAILY ROUTINE I get up everyday at seven o clock, Then I have a Shower, after that, I have Breakfast usually milk with cereal and go out to take the bus for to work.then I get to work and do my homework at 9 in the morning I

  • My Dog

    alberto.arceDescriptive paragraph Byron the strange dog Byron is a very strange dog, with black and gray hair. This dog resembles a gremlin with clever eyes that always seem to be smiling, and a protruding under bite announcing crooked teeth to the world. He walked with grace and barked as if

  • My dream house

    anjohnson1964THE DREAM HOUSE The dream house is going to be the most spectacular of the entire neighborhood. It will have a control for input with armed guards and electrified fence. It’s going to have a beautiful green yard, a big master bedroom and a couple more for the guests. A



    toga1592637MY DREAMS I have always wanted to speak French fluently because I really like France and I would like to go there one day. I have always wanted to meet Shakruhan. I think he is an excellent actor and Singer. In addition, I have always wanted to buy my own

  • My Experience traveling abroad (Script)

    My Experience traveling abroad (Script)

    invitiMy Experience traveling abroad (Script) * Friend who traveled to USA: * Friend 2: * Friend 3: : Well, first of all, I was in New York. (Hi, it is been a long time!) : Where have you been? : Yes, tell us : Jajaja, I have known the time


    yohalyUNIDAD DIDÁCTICA: MY FAMILY JUSTIFICACION Una vez que los niños se han adaptado de manera positiva a la escuela y sus espacios, creemos que es importante que sientan la escuela como suya, por ello en esta unidad didáctica nos centraremos en la familia. La familia es muy importante para los

  • My Family

    alzulbeitoensayo sobre la violencia la violencia es un mal que nos afecta a todos, y de por si mismo afecta a toda la ASOCIADA. COMO SE FINANCIA LA ENTIDAD SENA: • De conformidad con el artículo 29 de decreto 111 de 1996; las contribuciones parafiscales son gravámenes obligaciones monetarias, distintas

  • My Family

    ansalazarMy family One day a teacher asked us who has been an influence for us in our lives. Most of my classmates start talking about how an actors, writers even war heroes, have been influenced in their lives. I noticed that most of them have been influenced by public people.

  • My favorite animal proyecto

    My favorite animal proyecto

    JorgebbgPauta de proyecto “My favorite animal”. Objetivo: crear un poster acerca de su animal favorito e incorporar vocabulario asociado a la unidad. El poster deberá ser entregado en cartulina o papelógrafo. Deberá incluir una imagen grande y colorida. Si no puede conseguir imágenes, podrá dibujar y pintar el animal que


    1095910506MY FAVORITE CLOTHESSituación Usted fue contratado para realizar la acometida de una vivienda de nivel de tensión 1 (110 v) cuya capacidad instalada son 3kw, defina que documentos debe presentar para que le aprueben la conexión. Para ello usted debe: 1. Presentar una lista de chequeo con los documentos que

  • My Favorite Product

    hlop29My favorite product Who hasn’t enjoyed something delicious? Whether it’s because you were sick or just because you like it. No matter the reason, the important thing is that is considered one of the most common products in the world. This product it is so common that I bet that



    nellydleMY FAVOURITE FAMOUS PERSON Ingles II ________________ Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in London in 1889. His father, Charles Chaplin, was an actor of Jewish origin, and a famous cellist, alcoholic, she abandoned her children and died very young. His mother, Hannah was a singer and dancer, alcoholic, took care

  • My First Day At School

    repollito1My First Day at School Many events happened in my life long ago. I have forgotten some events. But I distinctly remember some. They will remain fresh in my memory. My fist day at school is one such event. I was five years old when I was first admitted to

  • My Gap Year

    jimmyMy "GAP year" In my "GAP year" I would like do different things Firstly I would like go to "Barcelona" because I would like meet new friends and I´d like visit the "Camp Nou" name of Barcelona Stadium Secondly I´d like to travel to Argentina, Colombia, Letonia and Estonia because



    Luchho MartinezGoodnight. My name is Luis Martínez. I study a technologist in accounting and finance at SENA, I have a busy schedule. On Mondays, I usually get up at 6.00 am. I take a shower at 6.10 in the morning. Then I saw myself at 6.35 in the morning. Breakfast at

  • My Ideal House

    flaviarennoWhen I see my future home in my mind, the picture is quite clear of what I want it to look like, and what I want it to feel like. I see a two floor house with a basement. Not to big, maybe 3 bedrooms or so. It should be

  • My Language Learning Profile

    joferobe-INTELLIGENCE- Considering the fact that every normal human child easily acquires at least one language before the age of six, it is entirely relevant to ask the question. What part, if any, does intelligence play in the learning of languages? We know about the term of “intelligence” as the ability

  • My last summer vacations

    My last summer vacations

    chyoco1English Name: Jerson rojas Course: 4° “B” School: don bosco Year : 2015 Lesson 1 Simple past I Shi It They Did he have a good time? When did they back? My last summer vacations My last vaction i went to la paz because my friend called me and i

  • My Left Foot

    liitzdaChristy Brown was a victim of cerebral palsy. But the helpless baby concealed the brilliantly imaginative and sensitive mind of an amazing writer. In the encouraging and touching book My Left Foot, Christy Brown shows that with perseverance you can always overcome the most severe challenges in life. In his


    maruat97El meu avi matern, va estar casat però al poc temps va morir la seva dona i la meva avia materna va estar casada i al poc temps se li va morir el marit. Llavors, per coencidencia, és van coneixer i al poc temps van decidir casar-se ja que el

  • My life in a book

    My life in a book

    Abby RodriguezMy life in a book [ pic 1] in this photo I am with my parents and brother in my party of xv years and as not of unicorn (no teacher did not know it so it does not apply gpi) [pic 2] in the following picture is Christmas with



    Agronomia Huaraz UnasamMY LIFE STORY I´m Andrea and this is my life story: I was born in 18th of March in 1994, at Lima but I grew up at Huaraz from 5 years old to now. I started kinder in 1997 when I was 3 years old at Chosica and finished in

  • My Lover

    MaytsukiMy Lover Duele amar a alguien y no ser correspondidos, pero lo que es más doloroso, es amar a alguien y nunca encontrar el valor para decirle a esa persona lo que sientes. Tal vez Dios quiere que nosotros conozcamos a unas cuantas personas equivocadas antes de conocer a la

  • My mind is gone

    My mind is gone

    Roberth VillamizarMy mind is gone ''Mi mente se fue''... -Te has ido tal como has venido, Ahora yo comienzo a preguntarme ¿En dónde aún existes? Mis dedos recorren tu hermosos cabello Nena yo veo tu rostro en todas partes, puede que tan seguidamente... Estando de pies justo en frente de mi

  • My Most Memorable Experience

    JoseCarlosSolisWhen I was about 8. I went with my family to Chiapas, to see my grandparents. The night of Christmas my sister, my cousin and I, we were opening the gifts while my uncles and my parents were dining. My sister put her doll in a box with her firecrackers.

  • My Name Is Your

    starkonHallaron los genes de la violencia y la delincuencia El descubrimiento explicaría por qué algunos jóvenes que viven en vecindarios peligrosos o sin contención familiar se vuelven criminales violentos y otros no • • • • • • Un gen llamado MAOA que jugaba un rol especialmente importante ha demostrado

  • My NCBI

    ttezil13TEMARIO: 1. CREACIÓN DE COLECCIONES 2. QUÉ NOS PERMITE HACER LOS RECURSOS DE MY NCBI 3. REFERENCIAS 1. CREACIÓN DE COLECCIONES 1. Hacer una búsqueda en Pubmed, en este caso buscaremos vascular endotelial 2. Se debe filtrar para conseguir los resultados más exactos 3. Podemos elegir el articulo que queramos,

  • My Neighborhood

    jozeslondin my city, we can enjoy family. In Cali families can go to the river Pance, bathe and do sancocho soup. On the river we can not littering, as it causes pollution. in free time, we like to go to the movies and we can see many movies. in my

  • My Number-foals

    patytoestefanoWhat am I doing here There's a shadow in my place Maybe now everything will be so clear You shed light into this empty space And all I am, all I have doesn't even matter now I can't understand why I feel this way But I do, I do I



    Clarice TatianaMY OPINION SOBRE EL MATRIMONIO GAY A mi modo de ver el matrimonio entre parejas del mismo sexo, no está mal ya que al igual que nosotros son personas y como tales merecen tener los mismos derechos que nosotros. Pero algunas personas no lo aceptan ya que siguen lo que

  • My Personal Agenda

    YesyVzzDate:, Wednesday september 10 , 2014 Day month day year number 6:00 a.m. I go to school in the morning. 12:50 p.m. Leave the school and go on my way home. 5:00 p.m. Started my training beach volleyball. 8:00 p.m. Volleyball ends my training and I'm going home. 10:00 p.m.

  • My personal blog

    My personal blog

    dowkerzSin título:Users:ivonnemayoralzepeda:Desktop:2x:Mesa de trabajo 2@2x.png My personal blog Imagina que vas a llenar los apartados de un blog turístico en el cual mencionas las principales actividades que pueden realizar las personas en tu ciudad. Instrucciones: 1. Responde a cada pregunta planteada para completar la sección “About me” de tu blog.

  • My personal philosophy of methodologies, approaches, techniques in language teaching

    nztikMy personal philosophy of methodologies, approaches, techniques in language teaching. Universidad de Guanajuato In the second language teaching exist many ways to teach, which are called methods and techniques. Through the years since the 19th century many new methods have come to be used in language teaching classes. Some of

  • My place report

    sandreichunMy place report My house is a country house, a small house in the country, is a suburb close but far from the city, with neighbors often talk because we have had many problems with them. In my house there are two bedrooms, a living room, bathroom, and kitchen. In


    luxnMY PROJECT OF LIFE NAME: Jader Navarro Sanchez AGE: 17 years old POSITION IN THE FAMILY: First son between two children FAMILY NUCLEUS: My parents are father works in private security, my mother works in flower company my sister is student in the la balsa. My father is small

  • My relationship with my cousin

    angel.fbaMy relationship with my cousin My cousin is more than family to me, he's one of my best friends, he's my mom's sister son he's older than me he's 30 years old, I have many cousins but he's my favorite one. He has a dash hound dog named Walker, they



    luisr0chaMY ROLE IN ACTUARY I choose two roles that for me are the most important in the roles of an actuary and i think that they have more field of work than others. But first i will talk about some thins of another solres that caption my attention * Surrender

  • My Routine

    My Routine Good morning teacher, this is my daily routine. Buenos días profesor, esta es mi rutina diaria. I get up at 6:00 o'clock in the morning. Me levanto a las 6 en punto de la mañana. I take a shower at 6 and 10. Tomo una ducha a las


    davidsenaTask 1: Interview with Falcao Garcia. Morning program: Good mornig Colombia in English! Journalist: today in our morning programe,the famous Colombian soccer player Falcao Garcia will be sharing with us his daily routine. Welcome Falcao, How are you Today? Falcao: hi everybody! I am really happy to be here, this


    marianhg27NUCLEO PROBLEMICO N°1 PLANTEAMIENTOS BASICOS DE UNA ETICA GENERAL PRESENTADO POR PRESENTADO A FELIPE BORDA UNIVERSIDAD DEL TOLIMA VIII SEMESTRE ADMINISTRACION FINANCIERA PREGUNTAS GENERADORAS 1. ¿De qué sirve hablar o conocer acerca de la ética (como teoría) si nuestras decisiones son en muchas ocasiones generadas por impulsos, gustos o presiones


    fecomanMY DAILY ROUTINE What time do you get up every day during the week? Why get up so early? What do you usually do when you wake up? What do you do next? Are you going to your work by bus? How long does it take to get to your


    hanna31INTRODUCCION En el presente ensayo busco brindar mi opinión aparir del desarrollo de esta película, la cual nos brinda un sin numero de situaciones en la mayoría difíciles donde ponemos a prueba nuestro criterio. Dando un resumen de lo q para mi fue lo mas importante en las diferentes partes

  • My SlideDeck


  • My Social Participation

    juangomez8080ACTIVIDAD 3.3 1. Describa la importancia de entender las percepciones del valor del cliente y los costos de la compañía cuando se fijan los precios. Los clientes, en su gran mayoría, perciben el valor de un producto o servicio teniendo en cuenta lo siguiente: Todos los beneficios que obtienen al

  • My traveling experience

    My traveling experience

    ana2598MY TRAVELING EXPERIENCE In 2014 I traveled to San Andres by the way in this time I have never flown in a plane , moreover this travel was family . We went sightseeing in the island , in each place new we bought souvenirs and gifts for our family also

  • My Vacations

    ElizaavalMY VACATIONS On my vacations I traveled to the Mazatlan beach and it was fun. Every days I walked to the beach and collected shells and snails. On the evening I liked view sunset at the seashore. I played whit the sand making castles. Visited the city center and excited

  • My Vocabulary

    rioslaureSUBSECRETARÍA DE EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA CURSO DE FORMACIÓN CONTINUA CICLO ESCOLAR 2013 -2014 Planeación del curso. CURSO: "La evaluación en la escuela" SEDE: ESCUELA SECUNDARIA VESPERTINA PABLO NERUDA. ZONA: 02. PROPÓSITO GENERAL. Ofrecer un panorama sobre la propuesta central en la que se sustenta la Reforma Integral para la Educación Básica

  • My Way

    DabaxLo que trata la película es en darnos a entender que no sólo estamos mal, sino que no estamos avanzando como es debido a velocidad acerca del tema de educación e intelecto. Al paso al que vamos, nos llevaríamos mucho tiempo como alrededor de 45 a 50 años para alcanzar