- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

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Unit: 1

Cycle: 3

Grade: 5th


Sep 5th–9th 

Product: Feedback


Familiar and Community

Social practice:

Exchange expectations in a dialogue.

Interpret messages in announcements and advertisements in public places.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Activities sequence

Activities sequence

Activities sequence


Ss write on a piece of paper three things about them- selves. Then they crumple the paper up into a 'snowball' and have a one-minute snowball fight. At the end of the minute, everyone grabs the closest snowball and has to try to find the person who wrote it.


-T asks Ss if they know the word HOPE and elicit information about it.

-T writes on board the meaning of the word HOPE to compliment the information.


- T hands out a worksheet where students listened and read some dialogues, related to Hope expressions. Then T invites some volunteers to perform them in front of the class. (Activity 1)

- T may ask Ss different questions about the pictures. Ss work in pairs to number in order the dialogues. (Activity 2)


- In pairs Ss complete the dialogues with their own ideas. Ss practice their dialogues. (Activity 3)


-T and Ss discuss the feelings saw in class and have them written on the board.


Ss and T plays Simon says.


-T reviews the expression used in the class before. Ss writes them on the board.


-T asks the Ss to complete with the words in the box. (Activity 1)


-Ss read the statements and write one expectation for each situation. (Activity 2)

- T asks the Ss to match the sentences to create expressions.


-T asks Ss: Tell me a personal expectation.


T shows an Advertisement, and asks the Ss What is it?


-T gives a short definition and explanation about what is and Advertisement. (Slogan, headline, body, illustration, contact)


-T invites the Ss to read the advertisements, then T asks the purpose for each one. Finally, Ss choose the correct option for each picture. (Activity 1)

- Have Ss to read the announcement and the advertisement so they can circle the correct answer as a group. (Activity 2)


-Ss write the missing sentences using the information from the box.

- Complete the advertisement. Write the missing information.

(Activity 3)


-T and Ss play Hangman using the vocabulary.

Unit: 1


Grade: 5

Week: SEP 12-16

Product: Week 2 Activities


Familiar and Community

Social practice:

Understands and shares expressions to obtain information. Identifies and describes activities from a celebration or party

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Activities sequence

Activities sequence

Activities sequence

T welcomes students and ask them to brainstorm situations where they need to ask for help. For example: cooking, doing homework, skating, etc. T writes them on the board.

Once they have enough situations, T asks ss who they ask for help (mom, dad, uncle, etc)


T introduces the vocabulary to ask and offer help:

Would you like some help?

Can I give you a hand?

Do you need any help?

May I offer my assistance?

Need any help?

Could you give me a hand?

Would you mind helping me out?

Could you help me please?

I need some help please.

T explains the difference between the questions and when they are used. Use choral and individual repetition to practice pronunciation.

T talks about how they help at their homes, like cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, etc.

T asks 3 students to help read some dialogues and explain they must complete the blanks with the words they have in the box. Together they answer the exercise, T monitors the activity and helps when needed.

Working in pairs, ss now complete the sentences about the pictures with one word in each gap. Once they are done, they get together with another pair and check their answers.

T reads the sentences and asks the groups to share their answers, writing them on the board. T then picks a student to read each dialogue in the last exercise and with the help of the class they match them with the correct answer.

To finish the session, T plays a game of hot potato to check one last time the new vocabulary.

T will greet SS and recall the information seen before about needs and asking for help.

Then, T will play a video, show flashcards, or draw on the board different situations that imply the fulfillment of one or some of the basic needs as a way to introduce the vocabulary.

Shelter   |   Food   |   Air

Clothing   |   Water   |   Love

SS will relate them in the first activity with pictures and write their names in the picture that resembles it.

Now, SS will work in pairs and pick one of the basic needs T will guide the writing of a short message that explains said need and a way to ask for help in order to fulfill it.

Finally, SS will play “Ball catching”, as T tosses a ball to the group the SS that catches it has to say a vocabulary word seen before and its meaning.

 T will greet SS and ask about the last birthday party that they went to.

SS begin to brainstorm on activities done in a party and then T will continue to vocabulary activity.

Ss will work in pairs in matching activities of a birthday party to the corresponding images

Still working in pairs SS will complete the phrases filling in the gaps while using the images and previous activity as reference

T will ask Ss what is their favorite activity in a birthday party



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