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ENERO 2018












Natalia Ramírez Lizcano





Fortalecer los procesos pedagógicos generando las condiciones para el alcance del perfil del estudiante y la cualificación docente de tal manera que se busque el camino a la excelencia


¿Cómo la cultura de mi país o región puede influir o definir mis gustos y preferencias? ¿De qué manera mis hábitos, hobbies y rutinas ayudan a construir mi personalidad? ¿De qué manera pueden mis opiniones y puntos de vistas influir en la construcción y formación que mi colegio? ¿Cómo puedo hacer de mi ambiente escolar y mi colegio un lugar donde me sienta más a gusto?


This is my life about!



Describe experiencias de vida cotidiana  identificando gustos, preferencias y habilidades.    


Superior: Relaciona y utiliza de manera autónoma la información adquirida a través de audios y diálogos relacionados a experiencias cotidianas, gustos y habilidades para describir por medio de presentaciones orales sus experiencias propias de vida.

Alto: Identifica y comprende de manera independiente las ideas y vocabulario central sobre experiencias del diario vivir, habilidades y preferencias en conversaciones, diálogos y videos.

Básico: Identifica el vocabulario e ideas generales de conversaciones y diálogos relacionados a experiencias cotidianas, gustos y habilidades; demandando guía ocasional del docente.

Bajo: Reconoce en audios, videos y canciones ideas y vocabulario sencillo referentes a actividades de rutina diaria, gustos y habilidades; requiriendo mediación docente permanente.


Superior: Relaciona y aplica de manera autónoma la información extraída de textos y artículos referentes a experiencias cotidianas, habilidades, gustos y preferencias para la elaboración de presentaciones literarias.

Alto: Extrae y relaciona ideas e información concreta de textos descriptivos y artículos expositivos referentes a situaciones cotidianas, gustos, preferencias y habilidades, demostrando un mayor grado de independencia.

Básico: Identifica ideas, vocabulario y conceptos generales en textos descriptivos y artículos relacionados a situaciones del diario vivir, habilidades y gustos, demandando un acompañamiento variable del docente.  

Bajo: Reconoce vocabulario sencillo e ideas aisladas de textos y artículos referentes a experiencias cotidianas, gustos, preferencias y habilidades; demandando apoyo docente permanente.


Superior: Expresa y comunica sus gustos, preferencias, habilidades y experiencias del diario vivir utilizando información e ideas concretas evidenciadas en presentaciones orales, monólogos y conversaciones.

Alto: Describe y expresa de manera independiente y  fluida sus experiencias cotidianas, gustos y habilidades haciendo uso de vocabulario especifico e ideas concretas, con pocos o ningún error de pronunciación.

Básico: Relata experiencias de su diario vivir o expresa sus gustos y preferencias por medio de ideas sencillas, utilizando vocabulario básico con cierto grado de fluidez y en ocasiones guiado por el docente.

Bajo: Reporta sus experiencias cotidianas, gustos y habilidades utilizando vocabulario sencillo y de manera poco fluida presentando algunos errores de pronunciación, con acompañamiento  constante del docente.


Superior: Redacta textos descriptivos e historietas haciendo uso de estructuras gramaticales  completas, vocabulario clave e ideas coherentes referentes a experiencias cotidianas, gustos y habilidades relacionándolo a sus experiencias propias.    

Alto: Construye textos descriptivos de manera coherente expresando ideas concretas relacionadas a su cotidianidad, gustos, preferencias y habilidades demostrando un mayor grado de independencia.  

Básico: Describe sus experiencias cotidianas, gustos y habilidades mediante la creación de textos sencillos y con vocabulario básico demandando acompañamiento ocasional del docente.

Bajo: Escribe oraciones sencillas acerca de sus experiencias cotidianas y gustos  demandando acompañamiento constante del docente.


This is my life about!

  • Free time activities and daily routine
  • School activities
  • Likes and dislikes
  • Telling the time

Use of:

  • Present simple and present continuous
  • Can / can’t
  • Adverbs of frequency








Week 1

January 30th – February 2nd


Getting to know my students!

Review – Starter

  • During the first week students will be welcomed back to school and meet their new English teacher by the first time. In order to introduce the new English contents and to know the language level students may have, some ice breakers activities will be developed.  In the first activity the teacher and students will get to know each other better by playing “Group juggle”; this activity will help them learn their names and build team work. (S) 
  • After being familiarized with the class members the students will reinforce some vocabulary by playing “Categories”. In this activity they will be divided into small groups and will write on the board as many words as they remember according to the category the teacher gives them. (e.g.: Kitchen – students write: spoon, fork, microwave, etc.) The idea is to practice some vocabulary and get familiar with the new topics. (S - W) 

During this week, students will also take a diagnostic test in order to know their English level in each language skill. The test will be based on the topics they studied the previous year, so the teacher will be able develop some strategies to reinforce the possible weaknesses they may have. Besides, students will work on the “starter” section in their student book and workbook. Student book and workbook, pages 4 -5 (S – R – W -L).

  • Myon: Student will have a quick introduction to “Myon” platform, and an explanation about how reading activities will be developed.

-Foster students’ understanding of vocabulary by playing games.

-Check students’ language abilities through a written test.

Week 2 February 5th – February 9th


Unit 1 – Free time!

  • Before starting the unit 1, students will finish the “starter” section on their books and will receive teachers’ feedback about it. The idea is to know what are the topics, vocabulary or grammar in which they have to work harder. (Student book and workbook, pages 6- 7)
  • What type of music are you?:  in order to introduce the grammar and vocabulary for the new topics in the unit 1, students will watch a video with a shot questionnaire about their preferences, hobbies and likes in relation to music. This activity will help them to get familiar with the new vocabulary and reinforce the grammar structures of simple present. After that, and based on “Think, pair, share” thinking routine students will share their results in the questionnaire with a partner who had been set in a different category. Then, they will get together in small groups with classmates who had a similar result and share information about their favorite songs, artists or bands. Then, in the same groups, they will read the text “Music and you” in their students’ book, and answer some questions about it. Student book and workbook, pages 8 -9. (L – S - W)


  • Talking bubbles: After getting familiar with some vocabulary, the teacher will give students an introduction to the simple present by explaining some likes and dislikes expressions. Some talking bubbles will be pasted on the board with common expressions for expressing likes or dislikes (Love- Enjoy- Keen on – Fantastic – etc.) Then, the teacher will show pictures of different places, activities, animals, food or music, and using one of the bubbles she will make sentences about her likes and dislikes. Once they had gotten familiar with those expressions, each students will be given a sheet of paper with empty talking bubbles. The idea is that students write down about their likes (red bubbles) and dislikes (blue bubbles) and then, in groups share their information. (The bubbles will be pasted all around the classroom). Students will also reinforce the expressions and simple present structure by working in their workbook and student book) (S - W)
  • Myon: Students will be told about the books and projects they have to do in the platform, which will also help them to reinforce the simple present structures and the vocabulary they have studied. (R - L)

  • Mock unit 1 – Speaking task

-Recognize students’ ability to orally communicate their preferences in a conversation.

-Check students’ reading comprehension by working on different types of reading comprehension exercises.  

-Foster students’ oral production, and check their ability to express likes and dislikes through short presentations. 

-Reinforce students’ speaking skill trough international examination mock tests.

Week 3 February 12th- February 16th


Unit 1 - My day!

The negative, affirmative and interrogative structure of the simple present will be presented to the students by showing them a video about “Mr. Bean daily routine”. In this way they will get familiar with some actions, vocabulary and the structure itself. The video shows some common activities people do during the day, so that some examples will be taken from it to explain the students the simple present structure.

Students will also talk about their daily routine and if the share the same activities with Mr. Bean (L- S) After that, Student then will practice the simple present by reading the text “My day” in their students books and following the same structure the will write about their daily routine and the activities they like the most. (L - R – W) Student book and workbook, page 10.


On TV! : Taking into account the thinking routine “What makes you say that?” students will watch short parts of different TV programmes: Cartoon, talent shows, reality, drama, comedies, movies (These words will be pasted or written on the board as well, so students will easily identify the type of programme). The idea is that the students guess what kind of TV programme is it and explain the reasons why the say that e.g.: I thinks is a documentary because… Then, they will be able to give more examples and talk about which ones are they favorite and why. This activity will be reinforced by working on a listening activity presented in the students’ book and some exercises in the workbook. Student book and workbook, pages 11 (L – S – W)

  • Myon: Students will work on the reading activities and the project in the assigned books. 

-Review students’ vocabulary and use of simple present structure through reading comprehension exercises. 

-Check student’s ability to get information from dialogues through listening comprehension activities. 

Week 4 February 19th- February 23rd


Unit 1 - The quick questionnaire!

Students will reinforce the reading and writing skills by developing the “Quick questionnaire” activity. First, they will read the text “The quick questionnaire” on their students’ book and share information with a partner about the most important information and ideas they read. Then, each pair will create their own questionnaire by following the example in the book, but using different vocabulary and activities (this will also help them practice the interrogative structure of simple present).

Having finished the questionnaire with their teachers’ help and feedback, and based on “Reporters’ notebook” thinking routine each student will be assigned a partner to interview. They will write down the most important information about their classmate and will share it with the rest of the group without saying their partner name. The rest of the group will have to guess who the person they are talking about is. Student book and workbook, pages 12 -13 -14. (R – W – S - L)

  • Video presentation: As a strategy to practice the vocabulary and structure of simple present, the students will create a short video presentation about their favorite free time activity or hobby. They will have to be creative and explain the reasons why they like that activity and show some of the most important facts, characteristics or benefits of it (the video cannot be longer than 3 minutes and they will watch some video examples in order to have a better understanding of the purpose of the activity) (S – L)

Video example: 

  • Myon: Student will work on their Reading assignment in class. 
  • Mock unit 1 – Writing task

Ability to analyze written information and use it to do their own production.

-Check students’ progress in their oral production through oral presentations.

-Reinforce students’ writing skill trough international examination mock tests.

Week 5 February 26th – March 2nd


Unit 1 – About me!

  • Poster: about me! : Students will read the text about –Adriana- in their student book. This text is about a personal profile that will help students to reinforce the vocabulary from the unit 1. The idea is that they create their own profile by following the example presented in the book. The posters will be done in class with the teachers’ guidance and will be pasted all around the classroom. The students will be divided into two groups; one group will be presenting while the other one will be going around the classroom listening their classmates’ presentations (like an art gallery). The groups will change roles when the teacher says. (R – W – L –S)

The vocabulary and grammatical structure will be reinforced by working on the workbook exercises. Student book and workbook, pages 15 -17.

  • Quiz unit 1

Unit 2 - School is cool!

  • School clubs: Before reading the text “After school clubs” the students will discuss some questions about their interests in school activities and what ideas they have for new clubs they could have at school. Then, taking into account the “Headline” thinking routine, the will read some short descriptions of different school clubs and will choose a headline that best capture the idea of each one. (R – S – W)

In the following activity students will start a new after- school club and will write down their idea in their notebooks as an advertisement poster with specific information about it: name, day, time, and location, what you can do (there is one example in their students’ book). The advertisement posters will be socialized in pairs. Student book and workbook, pages 18-19 (W)

  • Guessing game: In order to practice the school activities vocabulary, students will play a guessing game. The group will be divided in two groups and one person will be chosen to guess. The rest of the students will make some mimics to help their classmate guess what the picture they are seeing on the board is. Besides, students will practice vocabulary and grammar structures in the workbook activities. (R – S -  W)
  • Myon: During this week students will work on their first reading project.

-Review students’ ability to identify their preferences by writing about them in descriptive texts.

-Review students’ language abilities through a short written test.

-Promote students’ oral production through discussions and oral production activities. 

-Check and reinforce students’ vocabulary by playing interactive games.  


Week  6 March 5th- March 9th

Unit 2 – Can / Can´t

  • Can you...? : Students will reinforce the use of the modal verb “can” by doing the “mini challenges” activity. The idea is that they find more classmates that can do some strange things (like saying the alphabet backwards) in a list given by the teacher. They will be working in groups and asking their classmates about their abilities. They will have to write down the sentences with the name of the person who shows that he/she can do the challenge, e.g.: Laura can click her fingers. Then, some examples will be taken as examples for explaining the structure of can and can’t.  (S – L – W)
  • Bingo: Students will review some vocabulary and actions through a bingo game. By doing this activity they will be able to practice interrogative, affirmative and negative structures of the modal verb “Can”. In this activity they will draw a bingo card and choose some activities they are able to do from a list they have in their books. Then, in small groups they will take turns to make questions while the others are playing and answering. E.g: “Can you play the guitar?” The rest of the students will answer by giving negative or affirmative answers “Yes, I can play the guitar” or “No, I can’t play the guitar”. After playing the game, some students will be asked to share some examples about their classmates’ abilities and write them on the board. Student book and workbook, page 20. (S – W – L)

More listening activities related to the vocabulary and grammatical structure will be developed in the student book (Pine Ridge School listening activity) Student book and workbook, page 21 (L)

  • Australian summer school: Before reading the text about a summer school in Australia, the teacher will show the students some pictures related to this country (Animal, flag, places). Then, based on “See, think, wonder thinking routine”, they will make up some questions about the pictures they saw. Their opinions and questions will be socialized in order to guess and share some interesting facts about Australians lifestyles. After the discussion students will work on their student books activities. Student book and workbook, pages 22-23 (S – W – R)
  • Myon: Students will work on the reading activities related to the topics developed in this unit.
  • Mock unit 2 –Listening and reading task

-Foster students’ ability to identify and express their abilities by participating in short conversations and games. 

-Encourage students to explore other cultures and make comparisons through class discussions. 

-Reinforce students’ listening and reading skills through international examination mock tests.

Week  7 March 12th March 16th

Unit 2 – How often do you?

  • About me: In order to get familiar with the adverbs of frequency structure, students will do the “about me” activity. For this activity they will be given a worksheet which they will have to complete using their own information, and adverbs of frequency (A short explanation about the structure will be written on the worksheet). After collecting each student information, the teacher will read and write some examples on the board, so the students are going to guess who wrote them. The same examples will be taken for giving a better explanation of this structure. Student book and workbook, page 24 (W – S)
  • What makes a good school? : Taking into account the “Circle of viewpoints” thinking routine, the teacher will paste on the wall a blank sheet with the headline: “what a good school is? The idea is that students write down their opinions about what makes a school a good one. Their opinions will be shared and discussed in the class in order to highlight the most important facts they have mentioned. After this, students will listen to different people opinions about what a good school is. Following the example in the video, they will interview at least 5 different people in their school about the same topic. The interviews will be recorded and shown in class later. Student book and workbook, pages 25 -26 -27 (L – S – W) 


  • Plan your ideal school: As the students have already studied the vocabulary related to the topic, they will be able to use the information in their book (Texts: Forest view high school and my school) to write down about their own ideal school. In pairs, students will create their own ideal school by writing some specific information. Their idea will be presented in class, as well as the videos they previously recorded. (S – R – W)
  • Quiz unit 2
  • Myon: At home.

-Promote students’ oral and written production by participating in classroom activities. 

-Enhance students’ critical thinking by discussing topics they are interested in. 

-Review students’ oral skills through oral presentations. 

-Review students’ language abilities through a short written test.

Week  8 March 20th March 23rd

Unit 3 – Party time!

  • New Year traditions: In order to introduce the vocabulary and grammar, students will watch a video about the most common New Year traditions around the world. Based on “Question starts” thinking routine they will develop questions related to the facts presented in the video. These questions will be shared and discussed in class. Then, they will be able to read and share opinions about different traditions around the world by completing reading exercises in their students’ book and workbook. The teacher will also take some examples from the video and the book to explain the present continuous tense. Students will practice the structure by working on their workbooks. Student book and workbook, pages 28 -29 -30 (L – S – R)


  • A special festival: Students will watch a video about San Pedro festival in Huila and will answer some questions: What festival is it? – What can you see? – What people are doing/wearing? – Is there music? – What instruments are they playing? After discussing the questions, students will do a listening activity about a live report from a festival. Student book and workbook, page 31 (S – L)


  • Photo competition: The teacher will ask students in advanced to bring the funniest picture they have at home. The pictures will be posted all around the classroom and students will choose the picture they like the most. Each person will have to describe what is happening in the picture and why is it funny. Then, they will read “Birthday photo competition” text in their student book and complete the reading exercises. The vocabulary related to month and days will be reinforced in the student book and workbook. Student book and workbook, pages 32 – 33 (S – R)
  • Myon:
  • Mock unit 3 – Writing task

-Encourage students to investigate about other cultures and critically express opinions about them in class discussions. 

-Reinforce students’ vocabulary and use of grammatical structures through short dialogues and written exercises. 

-Reinforce students’ writing skill through international examination mock tests.

Week  9 April 2nd – April 6th


Unit 3 – Describing a picture and Project (My ideal school model)

  • Project: From this week students will start working on their “Project”. The teacher will first explain the purpose of it, and the most important information they need to know in order to develop the activity (Materials, time, topics, and instructions). 

MY IDEAL SCHOOL MODEL: For the project activity students will create an ideal school model. The idea is that they use the information they got from the interviews, videos and readings to present their “plan” to their classmates by building a model of the school. Each student will describe the school, its characteristics, the things student are able to do in it and why it is special. The whole activity and the model will be done in class and guided by the teacher.  (R – W – L – S)

  • Challenge – describing a picture: Student will keep working on unit 3 activities as well. They will finish the “challenge” activity which is relate to the vocabulary and grammar they have already studied. For this activity the students will go around the school and find a scene they like the most for taking a picture with their cellphones. (The student who does not have a cellphone will work with a partner). The pictures will be shown in class, and each student will describe the picture using the present simple or present continuous. These examples will help the students better understand the differences between the two tenses. Student book and workbook, pages 34 -35 -36 (S – L)
  • Myon:


-Review and evaluate students’ abilities and possible weaknesses in the language skills by oral presentations.

-Promote students creativity and oral production by describing different situations and places. 

0{Week  10 April 9th – April 13th


Unit 3 and Project!

  • Project: During this week the students will keep working on their project activity. The teacher will guide and help the students in their projects. (R – W – L – S)
  • My favorite summer photo: Students will read the text: My favorite summer photo in their students’ book and will work on some reading exercises. Based on this example they will create a small “comic photo album” by using some pictures, cuts or drawings. The idea is that they create a short comic story using the present continuous and present it to the class in small groups. Student book and workbook, page 37 (R – W – S)
  • Test Units 1,2, 3 (The most important vocabulary and grammar from units 1,2 and 3 will be evaluated) (R – W – L – S)

 Nota: La evaluación hace parte del 60% de investigación guiada.

  • Mock unit 3 – Speaking task

-Foster students’ ability to write short stories by creating a comic strip. 

-Review and evaluate students’ language abilities through a written test.

-Reinforce students’ speaking skill through international examination mock tests.

Week  11 April 16th – April 20th


Project presentation!

  • Students will present their project activity during this week.  
  • Review units 1- 3 (Student book and workbook, pages 38-39)

- Review and evaluate students’ abilities and possible weaknesses in the language skills through oral presentations.

Week  12 April 23rd –April 27th


Reinforcement week

During this week students will do reinforcement activities in their workbooks and students books. They will be able to finish any activity that was not completed. The students that need vocabulary or grammar reinforcement will do extra activities, then they will be able to start a new term.  (R – W – L – S)

-Reinforce student’s vocabulary and use of grammatical structures. 





  1. Listening

El 8% de los estudiantes (3)  alcanzaron la meta de comprensión en un nivel Superior. 

El 32% de los estudiantes (12)  alcanzaron la meta de comprensión en un nivel Alto.

El 56% de los estudiantes (21)  alcanzaron la meta de comprensión en un nivel Básico.

El 3% de los estudiantes (1)  se ubicaron en un nivel de desempeño Bajo. 

  1. Reading

El 3% de los estudiantes (1)  alcanzaron la meta de comprensión en un nivel Superior. 

El 32% de los estudiantes (14)  alcanzaron la meta de comprensión en un nivel Alto.

El 56% de los estudiantes (21)  alcanzaron la meta de comprensión en un nivel Básico.

El 3% de los estudiantes (1)  se ubicaron en un nivel de desempeño Bajo. 

  1. Speaking

El 13% de los estudiantes (5)  alcanzaron la meta de comprensión en un nivel Superior. 

El 32% de los estudiantes (12)  alcanzaron la meta de comprensión en un nivel Alto.

El 54% de los estudiantes (20)  alcanzaron la meta de comprensión en un nivel Básico.

El 0% de los estudiantes (0)  se ubicaron en un nivel de desempeño Bajo. 

  1. Writing

El 11% de los estudiantes (4)  alcanzaron la meta de comprensión en un nivel Superior. 

El 32% de los estudiantes (12)  alcanzaron la meta de comprensión en un nivel Alto.

El 54% de los estudiantes (20)  alcanzaron la meta de comprensión en un nivel Básico.

El 3% de los estudiantes (1)  se ubicaron en un nivel de desempeño Bajo. 

Se ejecutaron las siguientes acciones en clase:

Retroalimentación y evaluación continua, ejercicios de lectura y escritura  para nivelar a los estudiantes durante las jornadas de refuerzo, nivelación y recuperación.

Los estudiantes realizaron las siguientes acciones en casa:


 Se enviaron talleres de refuerzo cada dos semanas y links con páginas web de repaso para todas las habilidades y temas gramaticales.


Durante esta etapa los estudiantes trabajaron en ejercicios para reforzar las diferentes habilidades  (Listening, Reading, Writing y Speaking) por medo de la interacción como juegos de rol, diálogos, entrevistas y juegos en clase.

Las habilidades en las que se evidencio que los estudiantes requieren más refuerzo fueron las de escritura y lectura, las cuales se reforzaron por medio de ejercicios en clase para apoyar los procesos de comprensión lectora y producción escrita.



Durante esta etapa los estudiantes identificaron, reforzaron y relacionaron estructuras gramaticales del presente simple y presente continuo, además el vocabulario presentado en las unidades del libro de trabajo, con acompañamiento constante del docente. Durante el desarrollo de esta etapa algunos estudiantes presentaron dificultades para apropiar la gramática y el vocabulario especifico propuesto.

Acciones correctivas:

Se citó a jornadas de refuerzo pedagógico a aquellos estudiantes que presentaron mayor dificultad durante esta etapa y se enviaron talleres de refuerzo de las habilidades en las que se evidenció se requería mayor trabajo.


En esta etapa los estudiantes trabajaron en una maqueta para representar su colegio ideal. Esta actividad se realizó con el fin de apoyar la producción escrita y oral de los estudiantes, al igual que la destreza para argumentar sus ideas respecto a sus propios intereses.


Es importante tener un mayor manejo del tiempo en clase y con respecto a actividades institucionales para afianzar el trabajo realizado en clase y ofrecer una más completa y enriquecedora retroalimentación.


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