Enviado por anelmariela • 8 de Noviembre de 2014 • 1.173 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 880 Visitas
School: 3015 Cycle: 4 Grade: 1st Groups: B,C,E.
Teacher: Anel Mariela Núñez González
Social Practice of the language: Understand and write instructions Date: From: October 15 To: November 15
Social environment: Academic and Educational Unit: 2A Lesson plan: 3
Specific Competency: Write instructions to use a bilingual dictionary
PRODUCT Stages: Doing with the language Knowing about the language Achievements Time Procedure
(teaching strategies) Assessment Materials
Stage 1
Select and explore bilingual dictionaries.
Select and check bilingual dictionaries.
• Identify purpose and intended audience.
• Recognize graphic & text components.
• Identify text organization.
• Point out sections assigned to each language.
• Identify entries and subentries.
• Examine numbers and special characters and determine their use.
• Textual organization patterns: listings.
• Typographic signs.
• Arabic and roman numbers
• Locates and reads the definitions of words both in English and Spanish.
• Activate previous knowledge regarding dictionaries by asking Ss questions such as: “Who uses dictionaries? Are they important to learn a language? Do you have some dictionaries at school or at home? Can they help you learn? How? What kind of dictionaries do you know?” If possible, take Ss to the school’s library and ask them to check the dictionaries available. An alternative activity is to take Ss to the media room. Have them explore different kinds of dictionaries. Arrange teams and ask them to share what they found in terms of intended audience (e.g. dictionaries for kids like the picture dictionary, monolingual, bilingual, specialized, thesaurus, etc.).
Stage 2
Determine the words, definitions and abbreviations the instruction manual will refer to.
Understand the use of the textual components in bilingual dictionaries.
• Locate words in English and in the mother tongue.
• Read the definitions for words in English and in Spanish.
• Understand the use that is given to lower and uppercase letters.
• Establish type of word from an abbreviation.
• Understand the instructions to use a bilingual dictionary.
• Abbreviations.
• Upper and lower case letters.
• Articles, nouns, adverbs, adjectives and pronouns.
• Connectors.
• Punctuation. • Understands the use of upper case letters, lower case letter and abbreviations in dictionary.
• STAGE 2:
Using their own dictionaries ask Ss to identify the following elements: headword (table with the equivalences for each abbreviation) bold type, word entry, abbreviations (part of speech or function); language style (BrE, AmE), subentry, phonetic symbols, other forms of the headword (e.g. child, children), synonyms, phrasal verbs and idiomatic expressions. In case there are not enough dictionaries, Ss can work in teams using handouts and make a chart with the above mentioned items in their notebooks.
Ask every team to provide three examples of each element using words from their dictionaries. Early finishers might help draw on the board the same grid so the teams can share their words and clarify doubts. Make sure Ss are aware of their functions as well.
Provide Ss with stripes of paper with parts of speech (e.g. Nouns - used to name persons, places, things or ideas, etc.). Ss can write down or use a copy of the headword and add a column with the function of each part of speech. Encourage reflection on the relevance of distinguishing the part of speech to determine meaning through examples in sentences, e.g.: “We took an express train” and “I am running a marathon next month so I train every day”. Guide reflection towards the fact that even when using an electronic version of a dictionary