Enviado por davidsep • 21 de Febrero de 2014 • 1.142 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 772 Visitas
The Constitution grants Congress the power to raise and support armies. Subsequently, the armed forces have the task of defending Colombia and its territories. A special status in law marks membership in the Army and the other Services. Distinctive uniforms and insignia reflect that status. To function effectively, the Army and other Services organize into hierarchies of authority. The Army’s hierarchy begins with the President of Colombia, the civilian leadership comprised of the Minister of Defense and the Commander of the Army, and then extends to the individual Soldier.
An Army leader’s intellect draws on the mental tendencies and resources that shape conceptual abilities applied to one’s duties and responsibilities. Conceptual abilities enable effective problem solving and sound judgment before implementing concepts and plans. They help one think creatively and reason analytically, critically, ethically, and with cultural sensitivity to consider unintended as well as intended consequences. Leaders must anticipate the second- and third-order effects of their actions.
Soldiers and Army Civilians enter the Army with personal values developed in childhood and nurtured over years of personal experience. By taking an oath to serve the nation and the institution, one agrees to live and act by a new set of values—Army Values. The Army Values consist of the principles, standards, and qualities considered essential for successful Army leaders. They are fundamental to helping
Soldiers and Army Civilians make the right decision in any situation. Teaching values is an important leader responsibility by creating a common understanding of the Army Values and expected standards.
Recognize seven values that all Army members must develop. When read in sequence, the first letters of the Values form the acronym “LDRSHIP”:
1. Loyalty.
2. Duty.
3. Respect.
4. Selfless service.
5. Honor.
6. Integrity.
7. Personal courage
Operational Environment (OE)
A composite of the conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect the employment of military forces and bear on the decisions of the unit commander.
Those variables of an operational environment or situation in which a unit, system, or individual is expected to operate and may affect performance.
When high levels of trust exist, people are more
willing and naturally accepting of influence and influence is more likely to occur in multiple directions.
built over time through mutual respect, shared understanding, and common experiences.
Communication contributes to trust by keeping others informed, establishing expectations, and developing commitments.
To establish trust, leaders create a positive command climate that fosters trust by identifying areas of common interest and goals.
Unethical behavior, favoritism, personal biases, and poor communication skills erode trust. Broken trust often creates suspicion, doubt, and distrust.
In today’s politically- and culturally-charged operational environments, even direct leaders may work closely with unified action partners, the media, local civilians, political leaders, police forces, and nongovernmental agencies.
leaders often have to influence without authority designated or implied by rank or position.
Leaders must engage and communicate via multiple means (face-to-face, print media, broadcast media, social media, and other emerging collaboration technologies) to influence the perceptions, attitudes, sentiments, and behaviors of key actors and agencies.
Leading without authority requires adaptation to the environment and cultural sensitivities of the given situation. Leaders require cultural knowledge to understand different social customs and belief systems and to address issues in those contexts.
La Constitución otorga al Congreso el poder para reclutar y sostener ejércitos. Posteriormente, las fuerzas armadas tienen la tarea de defender a Colombia y sus territorios. Una situación especial en ley marca membresía en el Ejército y los demás Servicios. Uniformes distintivos